Battle and I Love You

Start from the beginning

I saw a hellhound leap from the Labyrinth and charge the satyrs. It was not Mrs. O'Leary who had disappeared along with Daedalus. I chased after it and knocked it off a satyr who lay motionless. I sent curses at the hellhound, but I was too late. It pounced on top of me, knocking my wand from my hand.

The hellhound opened its mouth and began to lunge at me. In the distance I could see Juniper's tree was on fire. I couldn't do anything to help. I was going to die getting eaten by a hellhound. I closed my eyes. The hound's breath smelled like rotting fish. One of its paws was pushing down on my chest. I couldn't breath, but in a few moments that wouldn't matter. There was a large crunch and I assumed I was dead. But wait, I'm breathing again. I can't be dead.

I opened my eyes and did I see a sight for sore eyes. In front of me was Mrs. O'Leary and on her back was Daedalus. He slipped off the huge hellhound and stabbed the smaller one that had attacked me. He picked up my wand from where he was standing and tossed it to me. I caught it and stood up, rubbing my bruised chest. "Thanks for that."

"Any time," he grinned back, shakily. He pulled his sword out of the sheath that was attached to his belt and ran off back towards the monsters with Mrs. O'Leary trailing along behind him, crushing monsters as she went.I ran off to help others. I saw a son of Dionysus battling a cyclops and losing but before I could get there, he went down. I charged the cyclops. I jumped into the air and slashed downwards with Mov. That cyclops lost its head. A large group of monsters broke off and began to lumber towards the cabins. Nico saw them and raised his hands. His eyes were closed and he was doing some son of Hades thing. A fissure opened in the ground and a bunch of undead warriors erupted out of it. Nico collapsed to his knees. I wanted to help him, but I was too engaged fighting two telchines. They were these doberman and seal crossbreeds that betrayed the gods.

I heard a scream behind me as I finished off the last telchine. I turned to see a brown haired girl fall to the ground. It was Lavender. It took me only a second to realize what happened. An empousa had shot an arrow t my back and Lav had taken it for me. It was embedded in her stomach. I knelt down to help her, but she pushed my hand away. She coughed weakly before whispering, "Win this one for me, Nina." I carefully hugged my friend and stood back up. I started firing hexes from where I was standing. I wasn't going to leave Lav undefended. The first hex I shot was a blasting curse at the empousa that had hurt my friend.

Juniper ran passed me. She held a stick and had a murderous fire in her green eyes. SHe looked ready to tan someone's backside with that thing. I thought the battle had finally evened out. Then, out of nowhere, an ear piercing screech came from underground. A horrid monster with bat wings burst forth from the Labyrinth. It was a being I had hoped to never meet. She was the guardian of the original cyclopes and the hekatonkheires, or hundred-handed ones, Kampê. She had two long katanas. They were bright green and dripped with poison. She spotted something and started flying. She landed in front of me. "Hello, Daughter of Poseidon. Let us see if you fight better than your brother."

Oh, that something was me. I was so dead. I looked up at the sun. 'I love you, Apollo' I thought. I looked back at Kampê. I raised my wand and muttered a slashing hex. It reflected off her scales and back at me. I had just enough time to create a protego. Spells were not goingt of work. I slipped my wand back in its holster and raised Mov. I stepped over Lavender and got ready for the fight of my life. I was ready to charge when shadow covered the sun. The monster and I looked up to see a boulder sailing towards us. It landed on top of Kampê, crushing the monster. Only her blades stuck out. I looked to see Tyson frowning at the boulder and dusting off his hands. I grinned, BEST BROTHER EVER! Tyson pointed next to him and my mouth dropped open. There was a hecatoncheir standing next to him. I believe that would be the one Percy was telling me about, Briareus. Briareus threw a few more boulders on top of Kampê before turning around to kill more monsters.

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