"It's just that, I want to love Justin now, but it's hard I mean... You can't force love right?" I started playing with my thumbs "no you can't, Glory where is this all coming from?" you could here the concern in her voice.

"Well I don't mean to sound vein or cocky or anything but.... I think Justin loves me. The other day when I was staring in his eyes I saw love.... Dont ask. And before when Khalaya asked him to be her daddy he said he lo- really likes me.." I confessed.

To be honest I didn't know what to do, what if he said he loves me and I didnt say it back?

That would just mess up everything "well just go with your heart hun, I'm sure it'll gui-" "mum do you smell that?" I asked cutting her off as she whipped her head around looking at the stove "oh no!!! Well that's the chicken burnt!!!" my mum whined, geez she sounded like a 6yr old.

"Oh mother what are we going to do with you?!" I joked rolling my eyes "hey! It's your fault, you distracted me" she pouted "yeye that's what they all say" I smirked folding my arms.

My mum just chuckled and pulled me off the chair "go and see what kind of take away Justin and Khalaya want you cheeky mare" she demanded playfully "yes ma'am" I saluted and skipped out of the kitchen.


We were now back from New York and I was getting Khalaya ready for school. Time flies doesn't it?

I guess everything was good in my life so far, no encounters with Liam just yet but since I was going into school today I was bound to see him atleast from a distance.

The paparazzi still hadn't found out about our relationship so that was good, but neither had scooter, Justin keeps procrastinating and it's annoying.

Obviously people at school know because we don't really hide it. He's been amazing these past weeks and I'm realizing that I do actually ... Love him... But I wasn't 100% confident.

"Mummy!!!" Khalaya wailed snapping me out of my thoughts "what? Huh? Are you okay Laya?" I was so zoned out I didn't realize her calling me for the past 5 minutes "I saaaaiiiid" she elongated the word.

"Shall I wear my pink air max or my black air max?" she asked holding up both pairs with a puzzled look on her face.

"Hmmm, well you have on a black bow, pink top-" "pink FLOWY top" she cut me off "yes okay pink flowy top, black jacket, black shorts soo.... Pink air max" I concluded, taking the black ones and placing them back in her cupboard.

I dressed Khalaya up like me, half thug, half girl with class. Like now for instance, she had in a black sparkly bow, pink flowy top, black high waisted but then she also had and black sleeveless north face hoodie on with all pink air max.

Lets just say our Laya was one of the populars in her school, what can I say? She takes after her mum.

"Right off we pop, come on" I said taking her hand and leading her down the stairs.


"Hey bitch" some random hoe growled coming up to my locker where me and Chaz were "hey hun" I fake smiled, I didn't let people to get to me.

I wasn't sensitive at all and if you pissed me off I wouldn't run away crying, I'd break your damn face.

That's how my family are "I just came to tell you Justin was screaming my name last night, it was the best sex I ever had" she smirked, this bitch about to have her ass handed to her now.

"You wanna repea-" "well actually, me and Justin slept over at Ryan's so... It must have been your imagination sweetcheeks" Chaz interrupted me. Haha and she thought she was clever " well whatever, we all know he wants me, and you're just a fling" she defended desperatly since her first plan backfired.

"Yeah okay boo" I laughed, occupying myself with my phone but this bitch had the guts to whack my phone out of my hands, sending it crashing to the floor.

This girl was obviously new, she didnt know me, I heard a lot of 'oooo's around me and I knew people were watching.

I looked at my smashed up phone then back at her emotionless "I wasnt done talking bitch! What are you gonna do now?" she challenged.

I really knew how to contain myself. My next move just showed it "imma walk away" I smiled regaining my posture since I was leaning on my locker. By now we had a circle of people around us, expecting a fight and I knew because they had their phones out... Assholes.

"Don't walk away nigga, come fight me! Or are you gonna run back to your little country eh?" she slyly remarked... Hmmm racism, just coz I'm black eh? This bitch about to go ten feet underground never mind six "come say that to my face you stupid hoe" I challenged.

People had actually stepped back incase the fight broke out, because there was definitely gonna be one... Or atleast me beating her stupid ass.

"I saaaaiiiid" she elongated the "said" just like Laya did this morning except she started poking my chest "are you just gonna run back to ye little country... NIGGA" she laughed so I just spat in her face, us Valenquez's NEVER started the fights, just finished them.

That must have sent her over the edge because she grabbed my hair and attempted throwing me to the ground, but I got a hold of her legs and tugged at them which resulted to her landing on the floor, then kicking her like ten times in the stomach, ragging her up by her hair and bitch slapping her seven times, then I went in with my fists, attacking her face, stomach and the top of her head, when I was certain I had broken her nose.

I grabbed a handful of hair and swung this heavy ass bitch around, her body coming in contact with the floor now and again then I started bashing her head against the wall continuously until a strong pair of hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me back from the hoe who was now half bald.

As I was being dragged away from from her, I realized she had passed out a while ago... Not my fault, she should have stayed away.


You can kinda tell I'm not deleting this now....



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