(a/n it's now Chris Brown on the phone peoples)

C: hey Glory how ya doing?

Me: hiya Chrissy, how's life?

C: you know I don't like being called that

Me: which is exactly why I call you it

C: I can just imagine you sticking your tongue out while smirking right now

Me: well your damn right

C: you are a case

Me: me?! Don't let me get started on you boii?!

C: who was the one who made me climb the big ladder to the slide when we went on holiday? Who was the one who pushed me down the slide? Who was the one that shoved my face in my birthday cake.. Three times in a row? Who was the on-

Me: okay okay I get it! You had a very caky 26th, 27th and 28th birthday

C: all because of you

Me: oh you loved it

C: true.. Who doesn't like cake? Plus I got to dance to your Robyns song birthday cake with her

Me: all because of me

C: yeah yeah whatever

Me:what? no thank you Glory for shoving cake in face then suggesting me and Robyn dance to birthday cake since it was quite relevant at the time?

C: fine, thank you Glory for shoving my face in cake then suggesting we dance to birthday cake since it was quite relevant at the time

Me: well you're welcome, anyway I gotta go, see you later yeah?

C: well we're outside your house..

Me: oh okay, cut off you freak

C: no why don't you cut off you frog?!

Me: no you, you CONSTIPATED frog

C: arr fine you little rat

Me: love you!

And he cut off. Our conversations were so funny and we had great memories that still made us laugh till this day. Just then I heard the door bell but I had to get Laya ready "Justin! Justin can you get the door?! It's Robyn and Chris babe!" I yelled, going into Khalayas room.

"Hey beauts, get ready so you can go spend the day with aunty Robyn" I stated picking out what she should wear "YAYY!!" she gleamed jumping out of bed and into the bathroom. She couldn't do anything by herself, she was only four and still learning so I put the clothes down and went to help her.

"Right lets get you dressed then" I said plopping the clothes down on the bed. I had picked out some high waisted white jeans, a baby blue blouse that would be tucked in to the jeans, a white biker jacket, a baby blue beanie that had princess written in white and baby blue Nike air max with white laces. My baby had a fashion sense, she looked better than a sixteen yr old at the age of four.... That's class.

"Right go down to meet aunty Robyn and I'll be down soon okay?" I asked, looking her straight in the eyes "yes mummy" she saluted me before running off and down the stairs... Wow she's so cheeky! But it's a cute cheeky.

I went back to my room and into my bathroom where I had a short blissful shower, brushed my teeth and that.

When I got out, I dressed in one of my many basketball kits with my basketball Jordans, todays colours were baby blue and white so I had my baby blue and white b-ball kit on with my white Jordans and baby blue laces.

"Aww I'm guessing todays colours are baby blue and white?" Robyn cooed as I walked into the living room and sat by Justin "darn what gave it away?" I joked putting my legs up on Justin "haha you're so funny Glory" she sarcastically remarked playfully rolling her eyes.

"I know I am hun" I laughed sticking my tongue out "anyway we better get going, got a fun day ahead of us!" Chris exclaimed taking hold of Layas hand "and who said you could be near my daughter?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He looked so shocked and lost for words "erm I... I err.. Erm" "I'm joking boii" I laughed getting up to give him a hug "just be extra careful where you go with my boo okay?" I warned thinking of Liam.

"Yeye we know, we're taking supermodel Glory Valenquez's daughter out!" Chris sarcastically said, arr I almost forgot that they didn't know.

"Can I quickly speak to you two in the kitchen?" I hesitantly asked dragging them both into the kitchen "what?" Robyn asked folding her arms.. Just say it and get it over with. "He's back, Liams back, Liam Wandsworth is back" I stopped in my track to see their reactions, I had been pacing the floor getting anxious about Khalaya.

"What?! How?! When?!" Chris and Robyn bombarded me with questions "shut up!" I snapped and put my hands out for them to stop.

"He escaped from prison, fled to here and is in my school..." I glanced at them and they were just in shock "the news keeps saying he fled to America but he didn't.... He came here" I hoarsed out "shit" she muttered under her breath and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Just be extra careful with our Laya okay?" I sighed looking straight at them waiting fir confirmation "don't worry, she's safe with us now we'll be on our way" Chris said hugging me after Robyn had gone to collect Khalaya "thanks, bye!" I shouted as they walked out of the door.

I walked into the living room to see Justin slouching on the sofa watching something, so I decided to jump on him "time for me to whoop yo ass in basketball" I smirked, kissing him and interlocking our fingers as I had his hands over his head. He smirked back and simply replied

"Oh it's on now".

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