Imagine for jess_ka29- Ethan

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"Tickets please sir?" The doorman asked Ethan.

Ethan handed the tickets to the man, which allowed us to enter the Belgrade Theater. There were stalls selling all the sweet things you could ever imagine, from ice cream to candyfloss to popcorn etc.

"Here's our seats Jess" Ethan said pushing me gently by the small of my back.

The lights dimmed and the music started to play. 'Jack and the Beanstalk' was shown in big bright letters indicating the show was about to start.

Halfway throughout the show, Mrs WishyWashy (jacks mum) was bringing children on stage to help her/him sing the panto song.

"Would you help me kind sir" The character said holding her wrinkly hand out.

"Sure" Ethan said jumping out of his seat and heading straight to the stage.

Most people surrounding me gave me such strange stares but i couldn't give a damn, he's my boyfriend and i'm proud. 

The show was hilarious, Ethan was singing to the silly song making all the children laugh, which was such a lovely sight.

"Well i hope you enjoyed that Jess" He said putting his arm loosely around my shoulders.  

"Of course i did Ethan, I can't wait until we take our little one in a couple of years" I said with a shy smile.

"Yeah, same" He smiled.

His eyes suddenly  shot open with shock.

"Our little one?" He questioned.

"Surprise?" I sort of questioned myself as well.

"That's wonderful. I'M GOING TO BE A DAD" He shouted, jumping around.

I hope you enjoyed it  @jess_ka29 .

Sorry for uploading a lot tonight, i'm trying to get some done as there is lots.

M x

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