He makes you feel insecure- Ethan

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It was date night at Ethan's house tonight and you were both really excited because it was going to be one of the best nights ever.

You have been dating for 4 months now and you were pretty confident around Ethan and you were more open around him.

" Babe, what kind of takeaway do you want tonight" Ethan questioned.

" Oh, um pizza sounds good, right?" You answered Ethan.

" Sure thing, I'll just go and order it right now. Ham and pineapple?" Ethan asked.

" YES YES YES" You screamed.

After 20 minuets the pizza had arrived and you had grabbed 6 slices for your self. (So me lol)

" Wow babe, slow down with the pizza you'll end up getting even more fatter!" Ethan exclaimed.

Your eyes started to tear up as you excused your self and quickly ran into the bathroom shutting the door.
You stood in front of the mirror switching side to side checking out your body and pulling on your skin.

" Am I really that fat" you spoke to your self.

" I don't deserve Ethan, he'd be better with a skinnier person" you said sadly.

" Babe don't say that, your beautiful the way you are and you are perfect. I love you so much and I'm the one that don't deserve you" Ethan said whilst he was walking through the door nearly in tears.

" I'm so sorry babe, I didn't mean it like that" he kept saying.

" it's okay E, I guess I'm a little bit to sensitive and I love you to" you sniffled.

At the end of the day you were both sitting eating as much as you want and watching Netflix.

Thank you so much for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it ;)X
- M xx

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