Unwanted Demonstration

Start from the beginning

It's about damn time, my inner animal snarled. I didn't say anything in response. Instead, I took it upon myself to catch dinner, which consisted of three rabbits and a mole. Not entirely filling, but it would satisfy me for the time being. I spent roughly an hour or two climbing the trees and chasing a few rodents when I heard several cries that sounded like dwarves. Oh, come on! I thought, wishing I could roll my eyes as a cat. What did they get into now?

Forty seconds of sprinting through the trees soon provided the answer I was looking for. The splendid Company had managed to get themselves captured by three, disgustingly ugly cave trolls. By the Valar, they looked like pieces of horse dung that had been given the curse of life. They were currently amusing themselves with the dwarves, while my new friends were trying not to die. I couldn't blame them.

"Yeah, he's got worms in his... tubes." Bilbo exclaimed as I watched them through the trees. All of the dwarves were in sacks, and the trolls even had a few of them roasting on a stick! Oh, this was too good.

One of the creatures dropped Bombur in disgust onto the pile of dwarves. "In- in fact they all have, they're in-infested with parasites. It's a terrible business; I wouldn't risk it, I really wouldn't." The hobbit stammered. I watched the exchange from my covering in the brush, the only noticeable part of me being my eyes. This was quite amusing.

The dwarves all began to protest until Thorin kicked the others. Understanding Bilbo's plan, they began to boast about who had the biggest parasites. I sat back and watched the show. Saving them from uncertain death could wait.

"I've got parasites as big as my arm!"

"Mine are the biggest parasites, I've got huge parasites!"

"We're riddled!"

"Well little burglar-hobbit, what would you have us do, then, let 'em all go?" The main troll sneered, glaring at Bilbo.

Seeing as it was time to intervene, I leapt out into the open and caught them all my surprise. I allowed a loud roar to escape my lips as I bared my teeth as menacingly as possible. "Actually, that wouldn't be a bad idea. Tell you what- set the dwarves and the burglar free and I'll not send your asses to the ends of the earth!" Because I was in my other form, my voice was now a lot deeper and distorted sounding. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see some- if not all- of the dwarves were taken off guard.

Two of the cave trolls exchanged nervous glances while the third had the balls to look me in the eye. "What 'ave we got 'ere, a talking kitty?" He grinned incompetently.

I had no time to come up with a snarky retort as I spotted Gandalf lifting his staff above a large rock above the clearing. "The dawn will take you all!" He bellowed, striking his staff against it.

Rays of sunlight suddenly came into view, turning the trolls into stone. Without hesitation I ran over to the dwarves and began cutting them out of the sacks. When the majority of them were set free, I made my way to Gandalf's side. "Good to see you, Kyja." He murmured while stroking the area behind my ears.

Bilbo and the dwarves approached me cautiously as I gazed at the troll-statues. I blinked and acknowledged their existence, not wanting to be rude. "Kyja?" Thorin asked.

"The one and only." I said, flicking my tail back and forth. "Sorry if I startled any of you." Despite my apology, I noticed Ori and a few others gripping their weapon tightly. I had no room to be angry at them- seeing a talking animal, much less, a talking animal that was also a woman, was more than unnerving. May as well shift back as to not cause more conflict, I thought.

"Look, I'll be right back, and then we can talk. I'm not wanting to threaten you. Bilbo, can you throw me that bag on top of Daisy? It's the dark blue one." Hesitantly he jogged over to the pony and snatched the bag, throwing it to me.

"Thanks." I mumbled, clenching the bag within my jaws. Heading back into the woods to change, I heard Oin whisper a few words to Bofur. All I caught were the words: "Be careful... as you sleep!"

Do they not trust me? If I was going to harm them, I would've done it far earlier than now. I dropped the pack on the ground as I switched back to my human form. The transformation from panther to human was typically a bit faster than the lather... and in these circumstances, I was grateful. My breath quickened as the last of the fur dissipated from my body. Nonetheless, I could've sworn my heart stopped beating when I heard a twig crack, and a voice speak. "Kyja- are you nearby?" Fili said aloud.

I fell back, startled and irritated. Luckily he was standing on the other side of the brush where I had coverage, and he didn't have appeared to see me. "Dwarf, you have ten seconds to go back where you came from or I shall eat you alive and use your skull as a dinner bowl!" I growled. Did he not realize I was naked?

"I- I didn't mean any harm, I promise. I've not seen anything, either.... I just came to tell you that a few of us found a cave nearby, and we are now going to explore it. Meet us there once you're done." As soon as I was sure he had left, I jumped up and grabbed the clothes out of the sack.

I quickly slipped on some brown pants along with a loose long-sleeved white blouse. Tightening the beige corset around my chest, I heard some rustling in the nearby bushes. I thought nothing of it. It was probably a rabbit, or some other animal. I pushed the thought aside and followed after the scent of the dwarves.

As I peeked into the entrance of the cave, I heard Thorin and Gandalf conversing while Bofur, Gloin, and Nori buried something in the ground. "We're makin' a long term deposit." Gloin snickered, catching sight of me.

"Let's get out of this foul place. Come on, let's go. Bofur! Gloin! Nori!" Thorin yelled, rushing out of the smelly hole in the ground. As I followed him, my foot stepped on something metallic. Clearing the leaves away, I saw that it was a small sword.

I took it and walked outside to where Bilbo was sitting. He still seemed to be rattled by what had happened, and my expression softened. "Bilbo?" I asked quietly. When he looked up at me I offered a ghost of a smile. "Here. This is about your size."

"Kyja- I can't take this."

"The blade is of Elvish make, which means it will glow blue when orcs or goblins are nearby." Gandalf interjected, standing next to me. I nodded in agreement and pretended I knew that already.

"But- I've never used a sword in my life!"

"And I hope you never have to." The wizard replied, his tone becoming more gentle. "But if you do, remember this: true courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one." I smiled at Gandalf's words of wisdom when the other dwarves began to yell.

"Something's coming!" Thorin shouted.

"Gandalf-" Bilbo stammered, un-sheathing his sword.

"Stay together! Hurry now. Arm yourselves."

I grabbed the nearest weapon off of the ground and ran after the dwarves. Hoping that Bilbo and Gandalf weren't too far behind, I increased my speed, only to come to a complete stop as my eyes recognized someone I thought I'd never see again. He grinned ear to ear when he saw me and opened up his arms for a hug.

"Kyja? Oh, my dear, is that you?"

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