I couldn't save her! I thought, unaware of the fact I was gritting my teeth. Because of my carelessness, a innocent child died. Not to mention the fact I am a monster through and through. A dangerous, bloodthirsty monster!

I growled and repeatedly punched the tree, my hands slowly becoming numb. Drops of blood flew onto the grass and stained the bark as I wailed on the tree without any hesitation. Monster! Monster! As I fell to my knees, energy expended, I heard some footsteps. Can I never have a moment of peace?

Turning to face the sound, I was both shocked and embarrassed to see the one person I dreaded most for the time being, Thorin Oakenshield. He'd better have a damn good explanation of being here. "Kyja?" He murmured, glancing at my bloody hands.

I set my jaw and hastily wiped them on my clothes. I knew it was too late to hide what had been done, but I was not about to explain the reasons behind my actions. My knees trembled as I stood up, and glancing at my hands I could see that they were both stained in blood and convulsed every few seconds. "Why are you here? There's nothing to see. And last time I checked, you have no reason to care." When Thorin merely lifted an eyebrow, I released a breath but stood my ground. "Let me put it simply for you- go back to the dwarves and mind your own."

"Fili told me you had some form of a nightmare. I wanted to make sure you weren't ill" The dwarf replied, completely disregarding my words. Needless to say- I was dumbfounded. I could only stare at him with a shocked look on my face. When he gently grasped my hands I winced slightly and pulled them away. "If we apply bandages in the next few minutes, they will heal faster." Thorin said.

An exhale escaped my lips. "I... what the hell?" I had no idea what to think as the Dwarf-King silently headed back to camp without another word, the implied meaning being for me to follow him. I was confused, however. Since when did Thorin act nice, especially to me? With a well-concealed eye roll, I reluctantly followed him back to the Company, where I knew I was going to receive quite a few questions.

"And I thought to myself then, there is one who I could follow. There is one I could call King." Balin said as I entered the campsite, my hands and shirt soaked in blood. The looks I got from all of the dwarves were priceless.

"Calm down. It's not as if I'm dead." I mumbled, sitting down near the fire. Fili's mouth fell open for a moment before he whispered something to Kili.

"Says the lass who is covered in blood. Let me take a look." Bofur retorted, pulling some cloth out from his bag. My memory didn't recollect him as the medic, but it appeared as if I didn't have room to argue. Soon enough both of my hands were bandaged and all of the dwarves stared at me anxiously.

"If you don't mind me asking, how in Durin's name did your hands get like that? And why were you, well, angry?" Ori blurted. My, was he just precious.

"No Ori, I do not mind." I replied with a forced smile. May as well try to look somewhat inviting. "In fact, you all may as well know. First of all, let me tell you the reason behind my anger...."

I was surprised that each of them paid attention while I told them about Mira. I even saw Gloin pull out a handkerchief to wipe his eyes at one point during the story. This was most likely because he had a son- the information given to me courtesy of Kili. But I have to say... it felt like a heavy burden was released once I was done. Although they didn't know all of the details of my past, I shared enough to throw away any concern they had.

"And about my hands...." They all stared at me expectantly. I stared at the ground. "I was.... I was punching a tree back there. In the woods." Everyone was silent, which was understandable. "So, I understand if you don't want me to come along with you. I wouldn't like to endanger anyone more than I already have."

Dwalin chuckled softly. "I don't see a problem. Everyone here has a story, including mah'self. I undah-stan' the pain you went through, losing someone you cared for." I nodded sadly. The amount of guilt I felt for not sufficiently protecting Mira was oftentimes overwhelming.

"And besides, I can guarantee you all of us have punched a lot more than trees!" Oin exclaimed. The group broke out in laughter as each of them began to share their own story of personal anger. With them being dwarves, there was more than enough tall tales to go around.

Sitting with this lively bunch, I couldn't help but feel, well, somewhat content. It was if I had some form of a family. Admiring each of the dwarves, I caught sight of Bilbo and Gandalf watching me curiously. I wonder if they heard what I had previously told the dwarves. If they did, I could not care less. This was a new adventure, a way that I could start off fresh. If that meant secrets had to be revealed- so be it.


So, a lot of drama in this chapter, eh? Is it just me, or does the pale orc sound a little familiar....

I just want to thank the people who have commented on the previous chapters- You guys make my day! After all, this is my first fanfiction, and to be receiving such praise is quite amazing. If you have any predictions for the next chapter, post them below. Thanks again for everything!

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