The Nature of Dwarves

Start from the beginning

I couldn't help but marvel at the pure innocence of the place. By now I was on the outskirts of the Shire, where a few hobbit children waved as I ran by, and I waved back. A older looking hobbit yelled a few obscenities as I leapt over his wagon parked across the road. "Sorry! Your tomatoes look wonderful, though!" I shouted before spinning back around and running once more.

After a while, I reached a sheltered part of a forest. I took in the scenery around me while my lungs refreshed themselves with air. The grass was a vibrant green color, and the trees reached up extremely high. Sunlight got past the canopy of leaves above me, scattering its lemon-yellow rays across the ground.

I took in a deep breath and sat down nearby one of the trees, leaning my back against it. Two obnoxious birds appeared to get in some sort of argument nearby, as my ears were filled with the sound of repetitive chirping.

Half an hour or so passed before the dwarves' chatter brought me out of my state of drowsiness. "That's the second time today." I murmured, stifling a yawn. Nevertheless, I was soon angered to hear the topic of their discussion.

"I knew she'd run away. She didn't look as if she could handle anything seriously." Thorin huffed.

"Quit being too hard on the lass." Bofur said. "You don't know her story. If she heard ya now, you'd be hurtin' her feelings, Thorin."

I decided to intervene. After rising to my feet I stepped out in the middle of the road, smiling at the group of surprised dwarves standing ten feet before me. I noticed Bilbo wasn't with them. Strange.... "Indeed you would be!" I said, motioning towards Thorin. "After all- you know how sensitive I am when it comes to feelings being hurt. Then again... I can't handle anything seriously, so who am I to talk?"

A few snickers reverberated around the group, causing a smirk to tug at the corners of my lips. Thorin just glared at me until we were interrupted by a shout behind us.

"Wait! Wait! I signed it!" Bilbo cried, running towards us. Some of the dwarves calmed their surprised ponies down as the hobbit handed the contract to Balin. I exchanged glances with Gandalf, only able to watch.

The older dwarf's eyes flickered from left to right as he carefully examined the document. Bilbo stood before him nervously, wringing his hands. He swallowed when Ballin looked up with a smile. "I say... everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." The group of dwarves cheered, all except for Thorin. He did not look too impressed with the hobbit's decision. I silently wondered if some childhood accident had left the dwarves king incapable of ever smiling. It wouldn't be shocking if that was the case....

"Give him a pony." He barked. Bilbo began to frantically protest to that offer.

"No, no, no, no, that- that won't be necessary, thank you, but I-I'm sure I can keep up on foot. I- I- I've done my fair share of walking holidays, you know! I even got as far as Frogmorton once- Woah!"

I laughed as Fili and Kili lifted him up onto a pony from behind. Boy, did he look uncomfortable.

"Kyja, you can get on the free pony next to Ori and Nori." Thorin stated, voice stern. Well- at least he was using my name this time. Perhaps I would need to re-think the usage of his nickname, bearded-man. Was he really experiencing a change of heart?

I shook my head firmly. "I've been walking along with everyone quite fine. I do not need a pony. Thanks for the offer though."

"Kyja, I will not ask you again-"

"Uncle, I wouldn't argue with her!" Kili blurted, unable to stop himself from laughing as Fili did the same. "She'll rip your face off with her gloves." I shot the dark-haired dwarf a sinister glare as everyone else chuckled in confused amusement.

"Her what?" Gloin repeated.

"Fine!" I groaned. "I'll get on your stupid pony. Just keep your mouth shut, hellion." As I headed over to Nori and Ori, I overheard Thorin say something to Gandalf in the form of a hushed whisper. "Probably another complaint. How surprising." I muttered before grabbing onto the pony's reigns and hoisting myself on top. Nori and Ori stared at me, visibly impressed but taken off guard.

That's when I realized they meant to help me up. "Oh- I'm sorry." I said to the both of them with sincerity. "I didn't know you meant to help me." I was unaccustomed to receiving assistance from anyone for... anything, really. The gesture meant more than they'd ever know.

Ori smiled approvingly while Nori patted my shoulder. "Quite all right lass." He smiled.

"Come on, Nori, pay up. Go on." Oin insisted. The dwarf in question snickered quietly, then throwing a sack of money towards Oin. Soon enough, several brown sacks of money began to pass through all of the dwarves. "Hey, hey, hey!" One of them chortled before sticking the money into a spare pocket.

All of the dwarves laughed. I called to Gandalf, wanting an answer to this perplexity. "Hey! What's all this about?"

"Oh, they took wagers on whether or not Bilbo would turn up. Most of them bet that he wouldn't." Gandalf answered.

"What did you think Gandalf?" Bilbo asked.

Gandalf caught a sack of money himself, glancing at me before smiling warmly at the hobbit. "My boy, I never doubted you for a second."

A few moments later Bilbo started to sneeze hysterically. "Ooh. All this horse hair, I'm having a reaction." He began to rummage around in his pockets until he looked up in frustration. Normally I would've laughed at an action like that, but it wasn't my place. Instead, my smirking lips were the only sign of amusement as I looked down at my pony and didn't say a word.

"No, no, wait, wait, stop! Stop! We have to turn around." The entire company came to a halt, and the dwarves started asking what the problem was. I tucked a loose strand of black hair behind my ear, watching the exchange take place.

"What on earth is the matter?" Gandalf snapped. I sensed the impatience in his voice and I couldn't blame the wizard for how he was feeling.

The hobbit released a short breath and shifted his weight on the pony. "I forgot my handkerchief."

I stifled a laugh as Bofur tore off a piece of his clothing and handed it to Bilbo. "Here! Use this." He said with a chuckle. Bilbo caught the rag and examined it in disgust. I could've sworn he was trying to analyze just where that piece of cloth had been.

"Move on!" Thorin growled, harshly yanking the reigns to his pony to get the animal to start walking.

Gandalf chuckled and looked at Bilbo. "You'll have to manage without pocket-handkerchiefs and a good many other things, Bilbo Baggins, before we reach our journey's end. You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire, but home is now behind you; the world is ahead."

I sighed and stroked the neck of my pony, allowing my thoughts to roam for a moment. Who ever thought that I, of all people, would be part of a journey to reclaim a lost kingdom? I was severely physically, mentally, and emotionally disturbed- all of which Gandalf was aware of, yet he still recruited me for this quest. Gazing around at the land, I wondered if and when I would ever be back in a place so secluded from the real world.


~ Orla

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