1.1. Take back the city

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Harry wanted to be a lawyer, there was no doubt about it.

There were no lawyers in his family, but he knew for sure that was what he wanted for his life, he had always thought it was fascinating, and decided to become a lawyer at a very young age.

So that was what he was studying at University, and for the summer, he was offered the opportunity to apply to an internship at a Law firm in London. He had applied thinking he had no chance to get it, but somehow he did, and he was very excited for the opportunity.

And thus, he was traveling to the country's capital by train, where he was going to be staying with his uncle for the summer.

Uncle Dave was his mum's younger brother, who Harry saw every year for the holidays, and sometimes during the summer, but it was often uncle Dave who came up north to visit them than the other way around.

That meant that Harry wasn't very familiar with London, as he had only been there a couple of times in his life, so he was a little nervous about living there for 2 months.

He arrived at Euston Station on a Saturday afternoon, and following the instructions his uncle had given him, he made his way to the underground station with the same name, took the Northern line, then got off at London Bridge Station, so he could change to Jubilee line, and finally get off at Bermondsey station, which was were his uncle's flat was (well, it was actually at a 10 minutes walking distance).

Harry had never been in that neighborhood before, as his uncle had just moved there two years ago, and when he walked outside the station he was surprised at how nice it seemed (from what Harry remembered, the neighborhood where his uncle used to live wasn't as nice at all).

"Harry!" a man's voice called.

Harry turned around and saw it was uncle Dave, who had offered to come pick him up at the station (Harry had texted him when he got off the train from Manchester).

"Hi, uncle Dave" Harry smiled at his uncle.

"Hey, how was the trip?" Dave wondered.

"It was alright" Harry answered.

"And the tube? Did you manage alright?" Dave questioned.

"Yeah, it was easier than I thought" Harry replied.

"That's great" Dave smiled "Do you need help with your suitcase? Because we have to walk to the flat".

"No, I can carry it" Harry shrugged, because he only had the one suitcase (which had wheels) and then the backpack on his back.

"Alright, let's go then" Dave decided, and started walking, so Harry followed.

"Thanks again for letting me stay with you" Harry told him as they walked together.

"Of course, kid" Dave replied "We're happy to have you for the summer".

Uncle Dave was 40, but he had only settled down a year and a half ago, when he married a woman named Isabel, who was a few years younger than him, she was 35 or 36, Harry wasn't sure, but she was very nice. And it wasn't just Harry who thought that, the entire family really liked her, as she was a great influence on Dave, who had always been kind of the black sheep of the family.

"I'm excited to meet Alma, I've seen her pictures, but my mum says she's even cuter in person" Harry said.

"She is cuter in person" Dave agreed, referring to his 3 month old daughter "Anne was ready to take her home with her when she came to meet her".

"Yeah, she told me" Harry chuckled "I'm sorry I wasn't able to come meet her sooner".

"That's alright, I know Uni keeps you busy" Dave brushed.

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