2.39. Engines

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Louis was sitting at the piano with Willa teaching her a very basic song. They had brought the piano to the house a few months after Louis moved in, but only recently Willa had become interested in it.

To be honest, both girls had wanted to try it at some point, but Quinn's interest faded after 2 days, but Willa was still into it. Still, Louis wasn't pressuring her to play, they just did it whenever Willa wanted to.

"Let's go again" Louis encouraged her "Do you remember where we have to start?".

Willa touched the key, and looked at Louis unsure.

"Yes, good job" Louis smiled "That's a G".

"Yeah" Willa nodded.

"Alright, go on..." Louis told her.

"Twin-kle, twin-kle, lit-tle, star, how..." Willa was singing while she played with one finger, but that's when she made a mistake, and she made a little frustrating noise.

"That's okay" Louis told her while he rubbed his belly with one hand while he used his other to hold Willa's hand to show her what was next "It's: how I won-der what you are".

"I forgot" Willa pouted.

"That's alright, we can start again" Louis said patiently.

They kept going for at least half an hour, and at the end of it Willa managed to sing and play the song completely by herself once, and Louis made sure to tell her that she did a great job.

And to be honest, they only stopped because Harry told them dinner was ready, so they went to the table, where Quinn was already sitting.

"How was the piano lesson?" Harry smiled.

"Great" Louis replied.

"I played my song on my own, daddy" Willa announced looking excited.

"Yes, I heard it, you did a good job" Harry told her.

"Thank you" Willa said politely.

After dinner, they got the girls ready for bed, which took a while because they were very hyper about the fact that school was starting again tomorrow, but eventually they went to sleep.

"I'm starting to get tired faster" Louis confessed as he came out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth.

"That's bound to happen, you're in your third trimester now" Harry said referring to the fact that Louis was 28 weeks along now.

"Yeah, I know" Louis said, and opened the bed covers to get in bed, and he sighed when he laid down "I just didn't think it would happen until the last month".

"Just take it easy, okay? And let me know when you're tired so I can do things for you" Harry offerer, and got in bed too.

"Thank you" Louis smiled as his hand went to his belly, which he did all the time now, it was as if he always needed to make sure that his bump was there.

"Will you be okay going back to work?" Harry asked unsure.

Summer break was also over for the preschool, which meant Louis was going back to work as well. And he was going to be working until 4 weeks before his due date, which meant he was going to be working for almost 2 months.

"Yeah, I'll be okay" Louis smiled "I really like my job, and I miss it".

"But remember that if you realize it's too much,  you can legally ask to start your maternity leave starting next week" Harry pointed out.

"I know, Mr. Lawyer, you've told me already" Louis smiled.

"Sorry, I just care a lot about you and this little one" Harry told him.

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