1.23. Called out in the dark

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When Harry came back home that Wednesday, he found the flat exactly as it had been when he left that morning: messy.

There was a basket of laundry (Louis' laundry) in the middle of the living room, clothes on the couch (Louis' clothes), and the dishes from last night's dinner and today's breakfast on the table, all of which Louis said he would clean, after Harry had been the one to cook.

"Lou?" Harry called as he took off his jacket.

"Our room!" Louis called back.

Harry walked up to the room, and found Louis sitting criss cross on the bed, and he had a mountain of clothes (his own, and Harry's) on the bed with him.

"What are you doing?" Harry questioned.

"Rearranging the closet" Louis replied.

"Why? It was fine" Harry told him.

"No, it wasn't" Louis denied as he folded a t-shirt "But don't worry, I'm gonna put it all away on my own".

"Okay" Harry accepted "Did you go get your blood drawn, though?".

Because he knew Louis was supposed to go do that that morning.

"Yeah" Louis nodded.

"How long will it take to get the results?" Harry wanted to know.

"A week" Louis replied.

"Do you have to go in for an appointment to get the results?" Harry questioned.

"I don't know" Louis shrugged.

"You didn't ask?".

"No" Louis replied "I guess they'll tell me when they get the results if we have to go in or what".

"Okay" Harry sighed, and sat on a space of the bed that was clothes free, and laid down as best he could.

"Are you tired, babe?" Louis questioned.

"Mhmm" Harry hummed as he closed his eyes

"You should take a nap" Louis told him.

"No, I have to study" Harry mumbled, but kept his eyes closed.

He suddenly felt his hair being brushed back very carefully, and then a pair of soft lips on his cheek. He hummed happily, because Louis' soft touch felt really nice, and it made him relax even more than he already was, so much that it made him fall asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, the room was darker, his body was covered with a blanket and the bed didn't have a bunch of clothes on it anymore.

He sat on the bed as he yawned, still feeling a little groggy, and after rubbing his eyes, he got up and stretched his arms, and went to find his boyfriend.

Louis was in the kitchen and he was chopping a head of lettuce, and he smiled when he saw Harry approaching.

"How was the nap?" Louis asked.

"Good, but you shouldn't have let me sleep for so long" Harry said as he wrapped his arms around Louis' waist.

"You looked too cute sleeping, I couldn't wake you up" Louis replied.

Harry kissed Louis' temple, his lips lingering there for a few seconds.

"Why are you being so nice?" Louis wondered.

"Am I not always nice to you?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah, but you've kind of been grumpy lately, and you're not that nice when you're grumpy" Louis pointed out, as he left the chopping knife down and cleaned his hands.

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