2.12. Please just take these photos from my hands

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Louis felt sad when he got home that Thursday evening, because he knew Harry had left for Manchester, and he wasn't coming back until Sunday.

He knew he was being silly, and he fought against how sad he felt, but sometimes his disorder got the best of him, and there wasn't much he could do.

"Hey, nan" Louis greeted her "I'm gonna go to my room".

"Wait..." Helen stopped him as he turned to go.

"I don't feel like talking, I'm tired" Louis said trying not to be rude.

"That's fine, love, I was just going to tell you there's a package for you" Helen told him.

"What is it? I didn't order anything" Louis frowned.

"I don't know, but it has your name, it's on the table at the entrance" Helen explained.

"Okay, thanks, nan" Louis told her.

So he went to the entrance table, which he had just walked past, and saw a brown box there. It was the size of a shoe box, and it said 'Louis Tomlinson', but it was written in sharpie, and when he picked it up and inspected it, he realized there were no post labels or anything.

He frowned, feeling confused, and he shook the box, which was light, but he couldn't tell what was in it.

So he brought it upstairs to his room, and took off the tape that was keeping it closed, and the first thing he found was a small white card, which he opened right away.

For you to survive the weekend without me.
H, xx

Louis smiled at the note, his sadness from before disappearing instantly, and when he looked what else was in the box, he found a gray hoodie in it.

He took it out, and brought it to his face, and it smelled so much like Harry it was intoxicating, so he put it on, and fell on the bed and took out his phone.

To Harry: Thank you for the hoodie, I needed it. Let me know when you get there, I love you xxx

He knew Harry wouldn't answer the text in a while, he was driving up north right now, but he didn't mind, he was just happy to know that despite everything he had going on, Harry had thought of him before leaving.

Louis fell asleep early that night, while still wearing Harry's hoodie, and he woke up to a text that Harry had sent almost at midnight.

From Harry: I'm glad you liked it baby. The drive took longer than I expected, we had to stop 3 times for the girls to use the toilet, but we're at my mum's already. I know we said this was good for the girls, but I'm dreading seeing Valerie's parents. Wish me luck!

Louis didn't hesitate after reading that text, and replied right away.

To Harry: Good luck babe, call me tonight when you can, love you so much!

Louis then left his phone and got ready for work, and just after he had breakfast, and was leaving the house, he got a new text from Harry, that only said 'I love you', and as short as it was it made him smile and face the day happily.

The morning went by pretty fast, it always did while working at the preeschol, and because he had afternoons off on Friday, he used it to do his part of the house work he had been putting off, which, besides his room and bathroom, included cleaning the windows of the house, and dusting everything that required him getting up on a chair, like lamps and high shelves.

Ask he was busy doing that, when his phone rang, and he was surprised to see it was Harry, because he never called at 5, he always called after 9.

"Hey, love" Louis picked up.

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