2.4. Light years

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Louis went straight home after his encounter with Harry, and spent the next few hours trying to control the anxiety he had been left with after the brief conversation they had held.

Why was it that exchanging a few words with his ex boyfriend could leave him like this?

And would happen after they had a longer conversation.

Maybe he could text Harry and tell him he had an emergency and couldn't meet with him, or maybe he could just tell him the truth, tell him that his mind might not be able to handle it.

Louis hated himself for being such a coward, but it didn't surprise him, he had always been a coward...

And he was going to be a coward once more today, because he grabbed his phone in order to text Harry, but that was when he realized that Harry had texted him first.

Harry Styles: Hey, it's Harry, where should we meet??

For a reason that Louis couldn't understand, he suddenly imagined Harry's expectant face as he waited for Louis' answer, and just the thought of Harry's disappointment face after telling him he couldn't meet him after all, made Louis' heart break.

It was ridiculous to feel like that, but he couldn't stand the thought of disappointing Harry yet again, so instead of making an excuse, he texted him the address of a coffee shop he knew and liked.

As soon as he sent it, Louis regretted it, but it was done now.

"Nan" Louis said as he went to find her in the sitting room.

"Yes, love?" Helen asked looking up at him.

"I'm gonna go out" Louis informed her.

"Will you be back for dinner?" Helen questioned.

"Probably... I'm just going to have coffee with a friend" Louis said, not wanting to tell her who it was,

"With Molly?" Helen asked, because she knew Molly was basically Louis' only friend in Brighton.

"Uhm... no, someone else".

"Is it a date?" Helen smiled.

"Noo!" Louis was quick to deny "Of course not".

"Why are you acting as if a date is something unheard of?" Helen questioned.

"I'm not, it's just... just not a date" Louis said determinately "I have to go now".

"Alright, darling, have fun with your friend" Helen smiled.

Louis mumbled a 'thanks', and left the room, and then the house, and started walking. He had some time to spare until 5:30, so he walked the entire way to the coffee shop, while he tried to drown the voice in his head that was telling him that this was a huge mistake.

He arrived there just in time, and he looked around but didn't see Harry anywhere, so he  found an empty table, sat down, and when a waitress came up to him, he ordered a cup of tee (he was far too nervous for coffee).

"Hey" Harry's voice suddenly came.

Louis looked up, and there he was, exactly as he looked that morning: tall, handsome and giving him a smile that showed those perfectly placed dimples.

"Hi" Louis replied.

"Sorry I'm a bit late" Harry apologized.

"It's fine" Louis brushed off.

The waitress interrupted them as she brought Louis' tea, and after getting Harry's coffee order, they were suddenly alone again.

"This is a nice coffee shop" Harry spoke.

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