2.16. Riot, please

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On the night of December 23rd Louis went out for dinner and drinks with his friend Molly, and on the morning of the 24th, his nan woke him up with cupcakes and birthday presents, which was something she did for him every year.

Then Harry FaceTimed him, and he was surprised when Harry told him he had left a present for him with Louis' nan, because he had thought his present was the night they spent together.

But it turned out that his boyfriend was the sweetest, because when Louis went to find his nan, she gave him the present, which he opened right away. He found a framed picture of themselves when they were younger, one that Louis had never seen before, but he remembered the moment it was taken very clearly. He turned the frame around, and there was a little card taped to it, which Louis untaped, and read:

'Happy 31st baby!
This is my favorite picture of us, I've been looking at it for the past 10 years thinking how much I love you. Thankfully now I not only get to think it, but I get to tell you every day.
I love you Lou!

Louis smiled at that, and then looked up at his boyfriend who was still FaceTiming him.

"Thank you so much, I love it, babe" Louis told him.

"I'm happy to hear that" Harry smiled, but then he looked away from the camera, and spoke to someone else "Quinny, do you want to say happy birthday to Louis?".

He heard Quinn's voice saying 'yeah', and suddenly she appeared on the screen, her strawberry blonde hair messy.

"Tell him happy birthday" Harry whispered to his daughter.

"Happy Birthday, Louis!" Quinn said with a big smile.

"Thank you, darling" Louis smiled back "How are you? Are you having fun at your nan's?".

"Yeah" Quinn nodded eagerly "I get to play with Sookie and Tilly".

"Are those your nan's cats?" Louis tried to guess.

"Yeah" Quinn confirmed "And yesterday we decorated the tree!".

"Oh, wow, I bet it's a beautiful tree" Louis smiled, loving her enthusiasm "Did Willa help with the tree as well?".

"Mhm" Quinn nodded, and turned to look at her dad "Daddy, do you want me to get Willa?".

"No, it's okay, love" Harry told her "Why don't you go help your nan? I think she's making breakfast".

"Okay, daddy" Quinn agreed "Bye Louis".

"Bye sweetheart" Louis smiled, and once she was out of the screen he spoke again "She's so sweet".

"When she wants to be" Harry replied "Yesterday she threw the tantrum of the century because she didn't like what my mum made for dinner".

"Really?" Louis chuckled.

"Yeah, it wasn't pretty" Harry sighed.

"How's Willa?" Louis wondered "Has she been throwing tantrums too?".

"Here and there, but she's been good mostly" Harry admitted "So anyway, what are the plans for today?".

"Just family lunch, my nan's cooking and my mum's coming over with Dan and the twins".

"That sounds nice" Harry told him "Do you think you'll finally tell them about us?".

"Probably" Louis replied.

"I'm glad, at this point I want everyone to know" Harry told him.

"What about Valerie's parents?" Louis questioned "Have you seen them already?".

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