1.21. A dark switch

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When Harry got on the train that Friday, he texted Louis, telling him the time he was supposed to arrive in London. But because they hadn't talked since the night before, he wasn't even sure if Louis was going to reply, but he did  right away.

From Lou: You're still coming??

To Lou: You didn't want me to?

From Lou: Yes but we fought last night and today you didn't call so I thought you were angry at me and wouldn't come

To Lou: I'm not angry at you, I just don't like being questioned like a criminal

From Lou: I'm sorry, I won't do it again

To Lou: Okay

From Lou: I'm happy you're coming, I haven't been feeling well today

To Lou: because of the pregnancy or something else????

From Lou: The pregnancy I think... I've been really dizzy and haven't been able to keep anything down except ginger tea

To Lou: I wish you had told me earlier, I want to know if you're not feeling well

From Lou: I thought you were angry at me

To Lou: Even if you think I'm angry you should still tell me these things

From Lou: Okay

From Lou: Is it okay if I don't pick u up? I'm really not feeling well

To Lou: it's okay, don't worry about it

From Lou; I love you

To Lou: I love you too baby

Harry put his phone away, and tried to do some of the readings he has for next week, but he was very nervous about what he needed to talk to Louis about, so it was very hard for him to focus, and found himself reading the same page over and over again.

When he finally arrived in London, he made his way to Louis' flat on his own, and when he got there, and rang the doorbell to Louis' flat, the door immediately opened.

He went inside, and for a second he contemplated saying hi to Louis' grandparents, so they knew he had come after all, but decided against it, and just went upstairs. Louis was waiting him with the door opened, and he was wearing Harry's black hoodie, which was a little big on him, but he looked cute.

And just seeing him made Harry's heart beat faster, like it always happened, and for a moment, he forgot about all of the bad things, specially about what he needed to talk to Louis about.

"Hi" Harry smiled at him.

"Hey" Louis smiled back, and Harry gave him a hug and a kiss on the lips.

"Are you feeling any better?" Harry questioned as he softly stroked Louis' cheek.

"Yeah, I'm better, but if I try to eat anything , I get nauseous" Louis denied.

"You should lay down" Harry told him.

"Yeah, I was in bed actually" Louis replied.

"Then go back to it".

"I should heat you up some food first, you must be hungry" Louis told him.

"I can do that, love" Harry assured him.

"Alright, just whatever you do please don't open a tuna can, even the smell makes me want to throw up" Louis warned him.

"I won't, I promise" Harry replied.

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