1.9. Time won't go slowly

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Harry had been spending all of his free time with Louis for the past 2 weeks, whether it was was at Louis' flat, at a restaurant, coffee shop, pub, or anywhere in London, it was always with Louis.

Except when he was working of course.

And even when he wasn't with Louis, they were constantly texting and FaceTiming, so Harry felt like Louis was part of his day every day, and all day.

And he liked that, he liked it a lot.

But, as he had come to know, being around Louis wasn't drama free, but Harry was slowly but surely learning what made Louis happy, what made him sad, and most importantly, what made him angry, and with that knowledge, it was easier to keep the drama at a minimum.

But also, Louis was so much more than his drama; he was fun, and lovely, and so cute sometimes, not to mention incredibly beautiful, and the things he could do in bed...

Harry just sighed as he thought of Louis when he went to bed that Thursday night.

And maybe Louis felt that Harry was thinking about him, because that was when he FaceTimed Harry.

"Hey" Harry greeted him after he took the call.

"Hi" Louis smiled "Are you in bed already?".

"Yeah, I got home like 20 minutes ago, and I came straight to bed, I'm so tired" Harry complained.

"I just wanted to see you for a little while, but I'll let you go to sleep" Louis told him.

"Not yet" Harry told him "I'm happy to see you".

"You are?" Louis smiled.

"Yes, I've missed you" Harry said truthfully, even though they had met up on Tuesday for a late dinner.

"I've missed you too" Louis said softy "Are you coming to see me tomorrow after work?".

"Yeah, I will" Harry confirmed "I mean, I'm gonna go grab drinks with the other interns first, and then I'm coming to yours".

"Wait, what?" Louis frowned.

"That I'll go to a pub with-" Harry started again.

"No, I heard that" Louis cut him off "But why are you doing that?".

"What do you mean?" Harry asked feeling confused.

"Why are you going out with the other interns instead of me?" Louis questioned "You rather hang out with them than with me?".

"No, of course not, love" Harry denied.

"Then you should come straight out of work to see me" Louis decided.

"Lou, I already told them that I'd go for drinks tomorrow" Harry explained.

"But why, Harry? You spend all day with them, why do you need to also have drinks with them?" Louis asked, and he was clearly very upset now.

"Because when we're at work we don't talk that much, and it's a very serious place, so we want to be able to let lose together for a few hours"

"And what about me? You barely see me during the weekdays, and you only have 3 more weeks in London" Louis reminded him.

"That's why I want to go see you right after having drinks with my friends" Harry reasoned.

"You should want to come see me right away, not after the drinks" Louis insisted.

"Oh my god, Louis, you're not the center of the universe" Harry rolled his eyes.

"I hate you" Louis muttered.

This Isn't Everything You Are ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now