1.24. Mysterious ways

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Harry waited all morning for a call from Louis, but it never game, so at noon, he decided to call him instead.

But Louis didn't pick up.

Could he be sleeping still?

He probably wasn't, Louis almost never slept in, so he knew he had be to ignoring him.

So he texted him.

To Lou: I know you went to London last night, and we need to talk, so please call me?

But when an hour passed, and he still hadn't heard anything, he decided to call Louis' nan to ask if Louis was okay. Helen told him that yes, Louis was okay, that that morning she had given Harry's message to Louis, and that now he had taken the dog out on a walk, but that she would tell him again that Harry wanted to talk to him.

But a few more hours went by, and Louis didn't call or text, so Harry again called him, but Louis didn't pick up.

To Lou: Why are you ignoring me???

To Lou: And what is it supposed to mean?

For a moment Harry contemplated going to the train station to catch a train to London, but then he realized it was a bad idea, because it would set a precedent: now each time Louis got upset, he was going to run off to London and expect Harry to go after him.

But he wasn't going to do that, and he wasn't going to beg anymore; he had already made it clear to Louis that he wanted to talk and fix things, so now the ball was in Louis' court.

So he waited, and waited, and waited.

And just like that nighttime came, and then Monday morning, and Harry started to think that maybe he should go to London.

But he had class, and he couldn't just put it aside because Louis was throwing a tantrum, that wasn't how he was going to handle this.

So that afternoon Harry texted Louis again.

To Lou: How are we supposed to be in a relationship if you don't talk to me? Just come home and we can talk... or at least call me!

But Louis didn't come home, nor did he call Harry, so Harry kept calling and texting his boyfriend, while the frustration he felt kept building and building, and that ended up causing him to do horribly on a test he had that Tuesday.

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad" Valerie told him after Harry come out of the classroom last, and told his friend how terrible he had done on the test.

"Yes, it was, I could barely think, and I forgot so much stuff that I knew" Harry groaned.

"That's weird for you, is everything okay?" Valerie questioned.

"No" Harry mumbled.

"What happened?" asked Valerie.

"Louis took off to London on Saturday, and he's not answering the phone or my texts" Harry explained.

"Did you break up or...?".

"No" Harry denied, and then huffed "Or at least not that I know... we just had a fight on Saturday before I met you guys at Nate's, and when I went back to the flat he was gone, no note, anything, and I haven't talked to him since".

"Then how do you know he's in London?" Valerie frowned.

"I talked to his grandmother, he's at their house" Harry explained "She says he seems fine, and I keep asking her to tell him to call me back, and she says she's giving him my message, but still nothing".

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