1.4. Make this go on forever

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When Harry woke up, and opened his eyes, he was completely disoriented. But then he remembered the party last night, and meeting Louis, and coming to his flat afterwards.

He turned his head to the other side of the bed, where he expected to see Louis, but he wasn't there, and he wasn't anywhere else in the flat.

Where was he?

Harry stretched his arms, then sat on the bed and rubbed his eyes a little while he yawned, and thought how great he had slept.

Could it have been the weėd?


He got up from the bed, and put on his discarded T-shirt from the night before, as he had slept in just boxers, and went to the bathroom, which was empty, but the mirror was a little foggy, which meant Louis had taken a shower.

When he was done in the bathroom, he walked out of it, and he put on his jeans, which were lying in the middle of the floor, and he wondered if he should just go home.

But he didn't want to leave like that, not without getting Louis' number.

Maybe he could leave his number written somewhere...

He looked around and saw a small whiteboard on the fridge, which only had a smiley face with X's for eyes drawn, and it had a marker on the side, so Harry had decided to write his number there, but he didn't get to.

Because that was when the door of the flat opened, and it came Louis, who was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, and he was holding a tray with two coffee cups and a brown paper bag.

"Oh, you're up" Louis said when he saw him, and kicked off his sneakers.

"Yeah" Harry smiled, and passed his hand across his hair "I was wondering where you were".

"I had no coffee left and no food, so I went to get breakfast" Louis said as he walked up to the kitchen and left the tray and bag on the counter "I don't know what you like, though, so I got you a black coffee".

"That's perfect" Harry smiled, and picked up the cup Louis offered him, and sat at one of the stools at the kitchen counter "Thank you".

"No problem" Louis smiled back "You're a very heavy sleeper".

"I am?" Harry asked, because he had never thought about that.

"Yeah" Louis laughed, and took a sip from his cup of coffee "I made a lot of noise before I left and you didn't even move a hair".

"I think it was a mix between the weėd, and how comfy your bed is" Harry considered.

"Right" Louis smiled as he opened the brown bag, and took out a container from it, and when he opened it, it revealed waffles covered in syrup, which looked delicious.

"I feel like you're trying to fatten me up" Harry joked.

"What?" Louis asked as he took out two plates from a cupboard.

"You fed me a huge pizza last night, and now waffles, so I'm probably going to roll down the stairs when I leave" Harry explained.

"You don't have to eat the waffles if you don't want them" Louis said, his face suddenly very sad.

"No, no, I want them" Harry assured him.

"It's fine if you don't" Louis said again, and bit his lip "I was just trying to like... do something nice, but maybe you don't even like waffles, so it's fine".

"I was just joking, Lou" Harry smiled "I like waffles, and I want them, I'm hungry".

"Uhm... okay" Louis replied, and silently put two waffles on one of the plates, put it in front of Harry, and then gave him a fork.

This Isn't Everything You Are ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now