1.12. You're all I have

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Harry and Louis had been trying to spend as much time together as they could knowing that Harry's time in London was running out.

But as much time they spent together, Harry knew it wasn't enough, specially for Louis, who was a lot more... needy. And it wasn't a bad thing, that was just how he was, so Harry knew that it was going to be harder for Louis once he had to go back home.

"How are we getting to Brighton?" Harry asked Louis on Saturday morning.

In the week since Louis had decided to go to his siblings birthday party, he has changed his mind a few times about it, but right now, the day of the actual party, he was saying they were going... at least for now.

"With my grandparents" Louis replied "It's too long of a drive to take the motorcycle".

"Alright" Harry agreed.

"Are you sure you're okay going? Because we could do something else today, like... the British Museum?" Louis proposed.

"I don't want to go to the British Museum" Harry shook his head.

"Are you sure? I went when I was little and I remember I liked it a lot" Louis explained.

"I'm sure it's great, but I don't want to go" Harry denied.

"We can do a picnic somewhere, or we can go to Camden?" Louis suggested.

"Lou, I want to go with you to the birthday party" Harry assured him.

Louis took a dee breath, and then nodded and mumbled an okay.

"It will be okay, why are you so worried

"Because I feel there's going to be a lot of people there, and they're going to be judging me

"Why would they judge you?" Harry frowned.

"I always feel like my mum's husband judges me, so I think his family and friends will do the same" Louis explained.

"Has he ever said anything to you? Something he shouldn't?" Harry asked worried.

"No" Louis denied "It's just a feeling that I get, like he thinks I'm a problem for my mum, and he wishes I didn't exist".

"I'm sorry you feel that way" Harry said, because he didn't want to invalidate his feelings by telling him that it was probably just in his head, besides, he didn't know this man.

"Yeah" Louis sighed.

They got ready for the day then, and once they were ready, they picked up the presents Louis had gotten for the twins, and they went downstairs. There, Harry greeted Louis' grandparents, and before they knew it, they were all in the car, and Louis' grandfather was driving to Brighton.

"Lou?" Helen asked from the passenger seat.

Harry and Louis were in the back of the car, and they were holding hands.

"Yeah?" Louis asked.

"I want you to behave today" Helen told him.

"I'm not a child, nan, you don't have to tell me to behave" Louis replied, and by his tone, Harry could tell he got upset by the request.

This Isn't Everything You Are ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now