2.9. You could be happy

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"Will you really think about what I proposed at the restaurant?" Harry asked once they reached Louis' house, and he stopped the car right in front of it.

"I will" Louis confirmed as he took off his seatbelt.

"Thanks" Harry smiled "I know we talked about a lot of painful things, but it was still nice  spending time with you".

"Yes, it was nice" Louis agreed.

"We'll talk, yes?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, okay" Louis confirmed, and opened the door "Goodnight, Harry, thanks for bringing me home".

"Goodnight, love" Harry said back with a smile.

Louis got out of the car, and walked up to the front door of his house, turning around as he did, and saw Harry was still there. So he waved at him, and then went inside the house, and straight up the staircase.

"Lou?" Helen asked from her room.

"Yes, it's me" Louis replied.

"Come here, love" Helen requested.

"Nan, I'm tired, I wanna go to bed" Louis said but he still went into her room, and found her sitting on the bed reading.

"Just tell me how dinner was" Helen asked.

"It was alright" Louis shrugged.

"How was Harry?" Helen wondered.

"Like always" Louis said as he looked down.

"Come here" Helen said and patted the spot on the bed next to hers.

Louis sighed, and went up to the bed, and sat on it.

"Tell me the truth, what happened?" Helen questioned.

"What happened is that it's been almost 10 years, and I still love him" Louis confessed, his eyes wet with tears "I will never love anyone the way I love him".

"Oh, honey" Helen said, and opened her arms.

Louis crawled up to her, and let her cuddle and comfort him while he silently cried, because he was feeling like all he had locked up inside for the past years, had suddenly come out and it was flooding out of him.

When he finally stopped crying, he didn't move, wanting to feel her nanny comfort, as she was the one person who had always been there for him, his entire life, and there was no one like her.

"What are you thinking, love?" Helen asked softly.

"That I wish I could be with him again" Louis mumbled.

"And he doesn't want that?" Helen wondered.

"He does" Louis answered "He wants us to date, and see where it takes us".

"Then what's the problem?" Helen asked, her voice surprised.

"That I'm still me, I'm still a mess, and I'll always be a mess, and if we get together, eventually I'm going to break his heart again" Louis explained.

"You don't know that, love".

"Nan, you know better than anyone the way I am, and it's going to happen" Louis insisted "And I not only have to think about him, but his daughters as well".

"Tell me the truth, is the problem that the girls are Harry's daughters with someone else?" Helen wondered.

"No, it's not that, I think his daughters are wonderful, but they just lost their mum a year ago, I don't want to waltz into their lives and then leave them heartbroken when I eventually fück things up" Louis said honestly.

This Isn't Everything You Are ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now