1.35. Whatever's left

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The day Harry was told that Louis was going to go into a mental health clinic, was the day he knew that he needed to get a grip on his life.

Because there was a chance that Louis was going to get better, and he was going to want to come home, and if that happened, he wanted to be the best version of himself that he could be.

And that meant he wasn't going to drown himself in alcohol, he wasn't going to keep missing class and he was going to stop his life going to hell, he was going to do better, if not for himself, for Louis, and for Landon... for his memory.

So he called Valerie, as he needed to be caught up on everything he had missed.

Valerie had been texting Harry constantly since he disappeared from the real world, asking if he was okay, and when she found out what happened from Niall, she kept texting, saying how sorry she was, and that she was there for him, whatever he needed.

And he needed her help now, and when he talked to her, she was willing to help Harry catch up; she sent her notes from classes, she helped him study almost every day, even sacrificing her own study time, and even gave him pep talks whenever Harry felt like he couldn't do it, and wanted to give up.

And so, as the weeks went by, Harry became more and more convinced that without Valerie, he probably would have dropped out his first day back in class.

But Valerie wasn't the one one who was helping him, his parents here there for him constantly, and so was Gemma, who sometimes came to Manchester just to spend the night at Harry's so he wouldn't be alone, and whenever she didn't stay over, Niall did. Niall was there for him constantly, he was always texting him, making up plans to go out and distract Harry, and Liam tagged along most of the time, always trying to make Harry smile about something.

But despite all that support, Harry was still in a dark place, he was still grieving, not only the death of his child, but also his relationship, which for all he knew, could also be dead.

Still, he had some hope, and almost every day he called Louis' nan to ask how Louis was, if he was getting better, and if there was any chance that he could visit him. The first week, there weren't many changes, and Helen kept telling him to be patient, but during the second week, she told him that Louis was slowly improving, and that the doctors were happy with his progress.

But despite the progress, Harry still wasn't allowed to visit, and every time he heard that, he got really down.

The other person that Harry was calling constantly was Detective Lowe, who was in charge of the investigation regarding Louis' motorcycle accident. Sadly, the detective's answer was always the same, that they were doing everything they could, but that there hadn't been any breakthroughs in the case, and it was so damn frustrating.

But Harry still had hope that the person responsible would face consequences.

"How did you do?" Valerie asked Harry when he walked out of the classroom that Wednesday.

It had been a little over 4 weeks since Louis went into the mental health facility, and so, 4 weeks since Harry started going back to class.

And although he wasn't failing anything, he was barely getting by.

"I don't know... I feel like I could've done better" Harry considered as he thought back to the test.

"I'm sure you did great, last night you knew everything that was on the test" Valerie pointed out.

"Yeah..." Harry sighed.

"You want to go grab a pint? A bunch of other people went to the pub, so we could join them" Valerie offered.

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