2.8 When it's all over we still have to clear up

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The day had arrived, the Saturday night in which he was going to have dinner with Harry, and he was freaking out.

For starters, he had no idea what to wear, he didn't want to dress up because they were going to a pretty normal restaurant, but at the same time he didn't want to dress too casual, because he didn't want Harry to think he didn't care.

Not that it mattered what Harry thought of him.

Or maybe it did matter a little.

In the end he chose something that was what he considered to be a middle ground, not too casual and not too dressy, and he did his hair as nicely as he could even though he wished he could've gotten a hair cut.

"You look nice, love" Helen told him when he went downstairs.

"Too nice?" Louis asked suddenly panicking.

Helen gave him a questioning look, as if she didn't understand why Louis would ask that.

"Doesn't matter" Louis said dismissively.

"You're nervous" Helen stated.

"No" Louis denied right away "Why would I be nervous? It's just dinner with a friend".

Louis' nan knew who he was having dinner with, she had basically guessed when Louis told her he was going out for dinner, and he didn't want to lie to her and say it wasn't Harry.

"He's not just a friend, love, he's your ex boyfriend, and Landon's father" Helen reminded him, not that he needed a reminder.

He didn't get to reply though, because that was when his phone buzzed and he saw it was a text from Harry.

From Harry Styles: Hey I'm outside

Right, Harry had offered to pick him up, and he had said yes because there was nothing wrong with that. But he had been smart enough to tell him to just text him when he arrived and not to come to the door.

"I have to go, Harry's outside" Louis informed his nan.

"Be careful, love" Helen told him.

"With what?".

"With your heart" Helen replied very seriously.

Louis nodded, and then said goodbye and walked to the door, but he didn't walk out until he took a deep breath and told himself that this was just dinner with a friend, nothing else.

Louis left the house, and saw Harry's car (which he had seen him drive once before) parked right outside the house, so Louis walked to the passenger's side and opened the door to get in.

"Hey" Louis greeted him, hoping his voice sounded normal and not nervous as he felt.

He honesty couldn't help it, and he knew it was due to the way Harry made him feel, that intoxicating attraction he had always felt for him, which had ended up making him make pretty bad choices.

But it was true that he had always felt overly attracted to Harry; Louis still remembered the night he saw him for the first time, at that random summer party. He had bien trying to get the attention of a group of people he wanted to be friends with, and then he saw Harry, and that group didn't seem as important anymore, all he suddenly wanted to do was talk to Harry, so he went ahead and did it.

"Hi, Lou" Harry smiled "How are you?".

"I'm well" Louis replied as he put on his seatbelt, trying to sound casual "You?".

This Isn't Everything You Are ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now