2.33. Shut your eyes

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The twins 5th birthday arrived on a Friday, and Harry and Louis decided to make a very big deal out of it, because it was big milestone!

After all, it was the last year they would be able to say their age using just one hand.

So that day after school, they took them out for a lunch out that they knew they would enjoy, and then they went to a trampoline park, which was pretty fun. To be fair though, Louis just watched Harry and the twins jump around because he didn't want to do anything remotely dangerous... just in case he was pregnant already.

They had only started trying a week a half ago, but what if it had already happened? There was no way he was risking it, which was why he was already taking prenatal vitamins, and why he had cut alcohol, raw meat and everything else that could harm his potential baby.

He had promised himself that this time everything would be different.

On Saturday, they had a birthday party at the house, and all of Harry's family came, as well as Louis' nan, and some of the girls' friends from school. It was definitely tight, thought, because the house wasn't that big, and Louis told himself that they could probably start looking for a bigger place to buy soon, especially if their family was going to grow.

But then came Sunday, the day Louis was dreading the most, because even though his path wasn't going to cross with the girls grandparents, their mere presence in Brighton made him uneasy. Thankfully though, the day went by without him seeing them, and from what Harry told him that night they were very civilized the entire time he was with them, so it was a relief.

It was the day before Harry's birthday that Louis woke up feeling a little dizzy, and his first thought was that it could be a pregnancy symptom. He didn't throw up, and the dizzy spell passed, but he kept thinking about it through the day, especially when at some point during the afternoon it happened again, but again it passed soon enough.

But that was also when he started to freak out, because what if he had been wrong? What if this was a mistake, what if he turned out to be a horrible mum?

He tried to shut down the thoughts, but it was impossible, and that evening as they watched a movie with the girls before they went to bed, he kept thinking and thinking about it.

"Alright, bed time" Harry announced when the movie was over "Go to your room, I'll be right there to tuck you in".

The girls had already eaten, and had their PJ's on, and it was actually past their bedtime, but they usually allowed them to stay up an extra hour during Saturdays. But they were tired, so they both went straight up to their room.

"Harry, I'm going to take Roxy for a walk while you put the girls to bed" Louis announced, deciding he needed fresh air.

"It's a little late for that, isn't it? And cold?" Harry pointed out, which was probably right.

"Yeah, but I like the cold air sometimes, it helps clear my head" Louis replied.

"Is everything okay?" Harry wondered.

"Yeah, everything's great" Louis smiled.

"Okay" Harry said, and kissed his lips "Be careful".

Louis nodded, and Harry went upstairs, while Louis put on his coat and shoes, then put Roxy's coat on because he didn't want her to get cold, and the grabbed her leash.

The neighborhood was pretty quiet, well, it was always like that, and the cold air was hitting hard, but it did help him clear his head. When he used to drive his motorcycle, he used to love to feel the cold air in his face, and although this wasn't the same, it made for a good replacement.

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