1.15. Favorite friend

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Harry's mum and stepdad drove Harry to his dorm room building in Manchester that Saturday afternoon. He had to big suitcases with him, as well as a duffel bag, because he was bringing all of his winter clothes with him, as well as all of the others things he liked keeping in his dorm room.

He had had an individual room ever since first year, most of the rooms in the buildings were singles, and this year he was getting a single as well, and he actually got one that was a little bigger than the other years, which he guessed was a perk of being on his 3rd year.

As he unpacked the first suitcase, there was a knock on Harry's door, and when he opened it, he was happy to see it was his mate Niall.

"Hey, Nialler" Harry smiled

"Hey, how's the big-shot lawyer?" Niall smiled back.

Harry met Niall right there at the dorm rooms during their first year, and they had become close friends pretty soon. Niall wasn't studying to be a lawyer, though, he wanted to be a nurse, and he was the nicest guy, so he knew he was going to be great at it.

"I'm far from it" Harry laughed.

Niall laughed too, and Harry let him inside the room, where he sat on the bed while Harry continued unpacking his suitcase.

"So how's the new boyfriend?" Niall asked.

Harry had kept in touch with Niall during the summer, and told him about Louis after they made it official.

"He's good, we Face Timed this morning" Harry explained.

"It's weird, I've never seen you with a lad before" Niall commented.

"Yes, you have, that lad Francis I went out with last year" Harry corrected.

"I know you went out with him a couple of times, but you just told me about him, I never actually met him" Niall explained.

"Oh, I thought you did" Harry realized as he finished putting his jumpers in the closet "Anyway, Louis' really cool, I think you'll like him, he's coming to visit next weekend".

"That's great, we can all go to the pub to hang out" Niall decided.

"Yeah" Harry agreed.

"So does this mean Valerie is history?" Niall questioned.

"There was never something between Val and I" Harry replied.

"You told me right before summer break that you two had had a 'moment', and you were considering asking her out after summer break" Niall reminded him.

"Yeah, I said that" Harry confirmed, but then shrugged "But to be honest that moment was all there ever was, I really care about her, but she's just a friend, what I feel for Louis is completely different".

"Are you in love?".

"Yeah, I am" Harry smiled "I felt a connection with Louis as soon as I met him, and after a day of being him with, he was all I could think about".

"Aww" Niall cooed.

"Stop" Harry rolled his eyes.

"What? It's sweet" Niall declared.

"Sure it is" Harry shook his head "So how's your boyfriend?".

"Not here yet" Niall replied "He's arriving tomorrow".

"He's cutting it pretty close" Harry commented.

Niall's boyfriend's name was Liam, they had been together for less than a year, but Harry really liked him, and he was his friend too.

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