1.11. Soon

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"Can I tell you a secret?" Louis asked Harry as they cuddled in bed that night.

On Wednesday, when they became 'official' they didn't get to spend much time together because it was late and Harry had to wake up early to work the next day, and sadly they hadn't been able to see each other on Thursday.

But today that was Friday, Louis had picked up Harry from work, and he had even packed a backpack with clothes to bring to Louis' as they planned to spend the entire weekend together.

"What is it?" Harry wanted to know.

"I've never had a boyfriend before" Louis said and blushed.


"Everyone I've ever dated left before we could get there" Louis explained.

"It's their loss and my gain" Harry declared and gave Louis a kiss on his forehead.

"How many boyfriends have you had? And girlfriends?" Louis suddenly asked.

"Are you going to get jealous if we talk about this?" Harry asked knowingly.

"No, I'm just curious" Louis said innocently.

"I've had 1 boyfriend and 2 girlfriends" Harry explained.

"Huh" Louis considered "So do you like boys or girls more?"

"Right now I like my boyfriend the most" Harry declared, and kissed his forehead again.

Louis smiled, and got closer to Harry, which was cute.

"So uhm... I told my grandparents about you earlier today" Louis commented.


"I had breakfast with them and my nan asked me why I was so happy, so I just told them" Louis explained.

"And what did they say?" asked Harry.

"They want to meet you" Louis declared.

"Really?" Harry asked surprised.

"I know it's kind of weird, but you're my first boyfriend and they're old fashioned" Louis explained "I told them I'd ask you, so this is me doing that...".

"Uhm, yeah, sure, I can meet them" Harry agreed "Although I already met your nan once".

"When?" Louis frowned.

"That night after the club? She came to the door when she heard you yelling at me outside?" Harry reminded him.

"Oh, right" Louis realized "But this would be like a proper introduction".

"Yes, of course" Harry nodded "When are we doing this?".

"Tomorrow? For lunch?" Louis replied, and he sounded apologetic.

"Uhm... okay?".

"Are you sure? Because if you don't want to I can tell them no".

"It's fine, love" Harry assured him.

"For all it's worth, they're very sweet people" Louis assured him "The sweetest people in the world".

"I would meet them even if they weren't" Harry said.

Louis smiled again, and gave Harry a kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, this means a lot to me" Louis told him.

"No problem" Harry replied "But we should go out early tomorrow so I can get something for them, like flowers or chocolates? What do they like?".

"You don't have to do that" Louis chuckled.

This Isn't Everything You Are ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now