1.19. Made of something different now

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"I'm pregnant, Harry" Louis whispered.

With those simple words, Harry' world suddenly shattered into a million pieces, and he saw his career, and all of his dreams for the future disappear right in front of him.

But maybe...

"Are you sure?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah" Louis nodded "I went to the doctor on Wednesday".

"Shït" Harry muttered "But how? We were always safe".

"I don't know, I'm sorry" Louis mumbled "But I promise it's your baby".

"Of course it's mine, I don't doubt that" Harry told him "And don't apologize, it's not your fault, we both did this".


Harry let go a puff of air as he ran his hand across his hair, as he tried to calm down, but his heart was beating so fast he was sure he could pass out any second.

"What do you want to do?" Harry asked Louis.

"I wanna keep it" Louis replied.

"Are you sure?".

Louis nodded.

"Okay" Harry sighed, and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry, Harry" Louis said again.

"Stop, don't do that, don't apologize" Harry stopped him.

"But you're mad" Louis pointed out.

"I'm not mad" Harry denied "I'm just overwhelmed because I have no idea what we're gonna do".

"I know it's soon for us, and that our situation isn't ideal, but we can make it work" Louis decided.

"How? You live in London, and I live here in a freaking dorm room" Harry said feeling like he was about to drown, and then realized a detail that made things even worse "My mum's going to murder me".

"Your mum won't kill you, she's nice, and I can move to Manchester, it's not like I have much going on in London, and we can rent a place and raise the baby together" Louis explained.

"With what money? I have no income and I don't think whatever job you're applying to can pay for a decent flat and support us and a baby" Harry pointed out.

"Probably not, but I have other money".

"What do you mean?".

"You know my mum gives me a lot of money each month, and I also have my dad's money" Louis explained.

"Your dad's money?" Harry asked confused.

"When my dad died he didn't have anything, but when my grandfather died 2 years ago I received what would have been my dad's inheritance" Louis explained as he played with his hands "It's not a fortune, but it's a decent amount, and I've never touched it, so it's been invested, and we can live off of that until you become a lawyer and you can support us".

"That's going to take years, Lou" Harry told him.

"We can live off of this money for years, Harry, it's more than enough, I promise" Louis told him.

"I can't raise my child with someone else's money".

"It's our child, Harry" Louis insisted "And I say we can support our baby with my money so you can keep studying, because I don't want this to mess up your plans for the future".

Harry sighed as he realized what Louis was saying made a lot of sense, so he decided to put his pride aside, because what mattered now was the baby.

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