2.40. The planets bend between us

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Louis was very surprised when he walked into a surprise baby shower at his mum's house when he was 34 weeks pregnant.

It was October, and he hadn't really wanted to go to his mum's, he just wanted to rest because he had worked all week, but Harry had insisted that they went, and now Louis could see why he had been so insistent.

There was only about 15 people there, which included family and a few friends, but Louis thought it was perfect, and he felt so grateful that they had all taken the time to come together and celebrate his daughter.

"You still haven't decided on her name?" Gemma asked him while they ate cake.

"We haven't" Louis lied.

Harry and Louis still hadn't told anyone about Morgan's name, in part because there was always the chance that they could change their minds, and it was also nice knowing that this was a secret that only the two of them knew.

"Do you have options?" Jay wanted to know.

"We have an option" Louis said truthfully "But we'll decide if it suits her when she arrives".

"You didn't tell me you had an option, what is it?" Molly questioned.

"We're keeping it to ourselves" Louis declared.

"Oh, come on, tell us" Molly insisted.

"You're wasting your words darling, I tried getting it out of him the other day and neither him or Harry would give it away" Helen intervened.

That was true, Louis' nan had been keen to know the name of the baby, but because of the meaning Morgan had, Louis had refused to tell her.

"The same thing happened to me" Anne added "Harry refused to tell me".

"We just don't want anyone to influence our decision" Louis explained, and looked at Harry "Right?".

"Right" Harry smiled.

"Maybe the twins know" Gemma considered.

"They don't" Louis chuckled, because they were always careful not to let the name slip in front of them.

"Quinny, come here, love" Gemma called one of the twins.

The girls were playing with their cousin Amelia, but Quinn came up to her aunt right away.

"Do you know the name of your baby sister?" Gemma wondered.

"Muffin" Quinn declared.

"It's not Muffin" Harry laughed.

"Daddy, you asked mummy how's baby muffin"  Quinn pointed out.

"That's just a nickname, Quinny" Harry explained "It's not her real name, she doesn't have one yet".

"Boo" Quinn said.

"What do you want her name to be?" Gemma asked her niece.

"Ariel like the Little Mermaid" Quinn explained.

"Why? Do you think she's going to have red hair?" Gemma wondered.

"I don't know" Quinn shrugged.

"What about you Willa?" Gemma asked her other niece.

"What?" Willa asked back.

"What do you want your baby sister's name to be?" Gemma specified.

Willa looked around, and probably realizing everyone there had their eyes on her, she just shrugged timidly.

"Come here" Harry called her.

Willa went right to her dad, who picked her up, and she hid her face on his neck, and just by that Louis knew he had been right to think she hadn't liked to be put on the spot.

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