2.7. Ways & Means

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When Louis woke up the next morning, he thought of Harry, and he continued thinking about him all morning, specially when he saw Willa and Quinn running around in the courtyard during recess, as he didn't have them in class today.

The thoughts continued throughout the day, to the point where Louis considered calling his therapist to set up an extra session, but he told himself he was stronger than that.

It was around 9 PM now, and Louis was in bed already, but he wasn't going to sleep yet, he was just watching random YouTube videos, when just as the night before, he got a text from Harry.

From Harry Styles: Willa's obsessed with your dog

And because Louis had nothing better to do, and he had already admitted to himself that he wanted to talk to Harry, even if it was through text messages, he answered right away.

To Harry Styles: Awww, really?

From Harry Styles: She's been talking about her since I picked them up from your house yesterday, and when I put her to bed today she asked if we could get a puppy

To Harry Styles: What does Quinn say?

From Harry Styles: She's more of a cat person, when we lived with my mum she was always with her cats and she's been asking for a kitten since we came to Brighton.

To Harry Styles: Then you should adopt a puppy and a kitten.

From Harry Styles: That's a lot more than I can handle right now, so a stuffed puppy and kitten will have to do for now

To Harry Styles: Makes sense. So how's the nanny search going?

From Harry: The agency that helped me last time is supposed to send a couple of possible candidates for an interview, so we'll see how that goes, in the meantime I'm working from home in the afternoons, which today was a disaster

To Harry Styles: Why?

From Harry Styles: The girls had a hard time grasping the idea that I was busy and kept distracting me

To Harry Styles: You can't blame them, they're still babies

From Harry Styles: Speak of the devil, Quinn just came into my room so I have to go, goodnight!

To Harry Styles: Night!

Louis didn't realize he was smiling until he left the phone on his nightstand, and he didn't even have to ask himself why he was smiling, he knew already, it was because he liked getting Harry's attention.

He wondered why Harry was giving him attention, though, because he was probably very busy between his job and his kids.

Something in the back of his head told him maybe Harry felt sorry for him, but he quickly shook that thought from his head, trying to suppress it, knowing that was his BPD acting out.

Louis looked at the white ceiling of his room, as he remembered the life he had when he was with Harry, a time when his disorder had been at its peak, and he had very little control over it. It sometimes felt like another world or another lifetime, because he couldn't even imagine acting now the way he did back then.

He suddenly wondered how Harry remembered their time together, but he didn't dare ask, mainly because he didn't want to hear it.

That night he fell asleep thinking about Harry, and imagining what their life might have been with Landon, which was something he often dreamed about.

The next day was Friday, and it went like any other Friday, except that night Louis was going to go out. He hadn't planned to that morning, but  his friend Molly managed to convince him to go out for drinks with her and some of her friends.

This Isn't Everything You Are ~ larry mpreg auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora