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There are no ghosts,
no ghost that can shake you
Like they used to, anymore.


Harry usually arrived home earlier on Fridays, but today he had gotten a last minute thing to do, but he had made it home just in time for dinner.

The second he opened the door of the house, and he took off his coat, he heard little footsteps, and then saw his youngest daughter running up to him.

"Daddy!" Morgan exclaimed happily.

"Hi baby" Harry said as he picked her up in his arms, and he kissed her cheek.

Morgan was 3, and she was Harry's pride and joy (as were his other daughters). She had short curly blonde hair, which Louis always said made her look like a cherub. But that was the only angel like thing she had going on for her, because she was the most mischievous little girl Harry had ever known.

"Did you miss me today?" Harry wondered.

"Yeah" Morgan replied while she hugged his neck.

"I missed you too" Harry said and gave her more kisses "How was school?".

"I sing, daddy" Morgan replied cheerfully.

"Did you sing in mummy's class?" Harry smiled.

"Yeah" Morgan nodded.

Morgan attended the same preschool the twins had once attended, which was were Louis was a music teacher, a being the only music teacher in the preschool, he obviously taught their daughter.

"I bet that was fun" Harry commented, and Morgan nodded "Where's mummy?".

"Ki'chen" Morgan said and pointed to it.

Harry walked with her to the kitchen, where he found his husband and his husband's nan.

"Hi, babe" Louis smiled widely when he saw him.

"Hey" Harry said and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, and then smiled at Helen "Hi, Helen".

"Hi, darling" Helen smiled "How was work?".

"It was alright" Harry replied.

Louis' nan had come live with them about a year ago, after she fell and had to have hip surgery. Louis had been very upset about the whole thing, blaming himself for letting her live on her own, so after her surgery he insisted  she came to life with them while she recovered. She had made a full recovery months ago, and both Harry and Louis told her that they wanted her to stay for good, and she accepted. And it was great, the twins and Morgan loved her, and she seemed happy to be there and spend time with them, and because she had the big room downstairs, away from the rest of the family, she could still enjoy some peace and quiet.

"I'm glad you're here, I'm starving" Louis declared.

"You could have had dinner without me" Harry replied.

"We wouldn't do that" Louis shook his head, and then spoke to the little girl "Mori, go tell your sisters dinner's ready".

Harry set her down and Morgan ran off.

This Isn't Everything You Are ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now