1.8. Reaching out to you

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When Harry opened his eyes that morning he immediately was met with Louis right next to him, and he was still asleep.

He had never really watched Louis sleep before, because the first night they spent together, Louis got up way before Harry did, and the second time, they woke up basically at the same time.

But now Louis was fast asleep, and Harry couldn't help but notice how cute he looked sleeping, he looked so peaceful and beautiful.

Harry was going to stroke his cheek, and maybe give him a kiss, but that was when his eyes focused on Louis' right arm, which was stretched in the middle of the bed. And it wasn't the tattoos he had in that arm that caught his eye, but the small white scars he had all over it, some off which were half covered by the tattoos.

And by the amount of those scars, and the placement, Harry knew for sure those hadn't been the product of a surgery, or even an accident, those had been self inflected.

Harry tried to look at Louis' other arm, but that one was inside the bed covers, so he had no way of knowing if it had scars as well.

How had he never noticed them, though?

But now that he thought about it, he had only seen Louis' bare arms twice before, the night they met, when they had sėx, and last night when they had sėx, and both those times it had been kind of dark, and Harry had been too busy to notice Louis' arms.

And all the other times they had seen each other, Louis had always work a jacket or a hoodie, even when it was a bit too hot, and now Harry realized maybe he had been covering the scars.

He suddenly felt so sad for Louis, as he knew he must have been in so much pain when he did that to himself. Harry had never met anyone who self harmed, at least that he knew of, because he knew a lot of people did it in secret, so he didn't really know how to react or what to say about it.

Should he even mention it?

Probably not...

And from what he could see, all the scars seemed like they had healed a long time ago, maybe years ago
, so it was probably something that he had done in the past, when he was younger, but he wasn't doing it anymore.

Considering that, Harry decided not to say anything, and if Louis wanted to tell him about it, then he was going to listen.

And so, Harry went back to his previous resolve, and he stroked Louis' cheek gently, and he kissed his forehead.

Louis stirred, and opened his eyes a little, and as he did, a smile formed on his lips.

"Morning" Louis said sleepily.

"Good morning" Harry said back, and he continued stroking Louis' cheek "How did you sleep?".

"Great" Louis replied, and he suddenly hid his right arm inside the bed covers.

Harry acted as if he didn't notice that, but it made him sad knowing that Louis felt the need to hide his arm like that.

"You're very beautiful, did you know that?" Harry told him.

"I'm not" Louis denied.

"You are" Harry assured him, and kissed his forehead again.

Louis smiled again, and he got closer to Harry, and cuddled into his chest, and Harry put his arm around him.

"Why are you so good to me?" Louis asked.

"Because it's how you deserve to be treated" Harry replied, and he kissed his head.

They stayed in silence like that for a few minutes, until Harry had to go take a wee, and when he came back, Louis was still in bed, but he was wearing a hoodie now.

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