1.10. I won't let you go

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Harry decided to give Louis all day Saturday to cool off, but on Sunday he called him, mostly because he wanted to check if he was okay.

But Louis didn't pick up, and when Harry texted asking Louis to call him, he didn't call or text back either.

On Monday when Harry called and again he didn't get an answer, he definitely worried, specially considering there had been no activity on Louis' Instagram, which was rare.

Could Louis have done something to himself?

He wouldn't... or would he?

Harry continued worrying all through Tuesday, and for a second, he had a moment of peace when his phone started ringing as he got ready for bed that night.

But when he looked at the screen, he saw his sisters name on it, and not Louis'.

"Hey" Harry sighed as he picked up.

"What's with the sighing" Gemma asked him.

"I just thought you were someone else calling" Harry replied.

"Who?" Gemma wanted to know.

"Someone I'm seeing".

"Louis, right?".

"How do you know his name?" Harry asked confused.

"Uncle Dave" Gemma replied, and then added "I called him last week when I called you and you didn't pick up, and he told me you were probably with Louis".

"Oh" Harry realized.

"I looked into the people you follow on Instagram and I saw a Louis Tomlinson, who's been liking all your pictures lately, so I guess it's him" Gemma told him "He's cute, by the way".

"You're a psychopath" Harry shook his head.

"I'm just a sister invested in her little brother's life" Gemma said.

"Sure you are".

"So what's going on with Louis?" Gemma wondered.

"At the moment he's not even talking to me" Harry confessed.

"Why?" Gemma wanted to know.

"Because he asked me to be his boyfriend and I said that I didn't want to be in a long distance relationship" Harry explained.



"So if you ended things with him why do you expect him to call?" questioned Gemma.

"Because we didn't really end things, not properly, and I want to talk to him to make sure he's okay" Harry explained.

"Why wouldn't he be okay?" Gemma wondered.

"He's complicated...".

"So you want to talk to him just to make sure he's okay, or is it that you want to keep sleeping with him until you leave?" Gemma asked.

"I wasn't just sleeping with him, I really got to know him, and he's great" said Harry.

"Not that great if you don't want to be in a relationship with him" Gemma pointed out.

"He really is amazing, and if we lived in the same city things would be different, but relationships are hard enough as it is, so to add long distance to it? It's too much" Harry explained.

"You're right about that, relationships are hard, and long distance has to make it harder, but I can't really know, I've never been in a long distance relationship" Gemma considered.

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