2.29. Life on Earth

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Although Louis had brought most of his things to Harry's house, he still hadn't moved in completely, but not because he didn't want to, it was because there were a lot of things going on at once.

Like for example, the girls starting school, which was happening that morning. Louis had stayed over the night before, so that morning he could help get the girls up and going, which meant getting them dressed with their brand new school uniforms.

"Can I wear my purple jumper?" Quinn wondered while Louis buttoned her blue cardigan.

"No, sweetheart" Louis replied "You have to wear the school uniform, we explained this".

"I don't like blue" Quinn declared.

"Since when?" Louis questioned, because she had never complained about that color before.

"Today" Quinn answered.

"I'm sure you'll get used to it, love" Louis told her.

"Quinn, come here so I can do your hair" Harry called his daughter.

"No, I want Louis!" Quinn replied.

Harry suddenly came into the bedroom, Willa behind him and her hair was up in a ponytail with a blue bow on it.

"Louis can't do fancy hair today, it's either ponytail, half ponytail or a bun" Harry told her "Your choice".

"Half pony" Quinn mumbled.

"Okay, come on" Harry told her.

Quinn followed her dad, and Willa sat down to put on her school shoes, which they had left out the night before.

"Are you excited to start school?" Louis asked her.

But Willa shook her head.

"Are you nervous?" Louis asked gently.

"Yeah..." Willa admitted in a small voice.

Harry and Louis had sat the girls down and explained that they would be in different classrooms in school and what that meant, and while Quinn seemed okay with it, Willa had a meltdown.

"It will be okay, it won't be a lot different from preschool" Louis assured her.

"But Quinn is not gonna be there" Willa told him.

"She will be there, just in a different room, but you'll see her during break, and during class time you'll have so much fun with your new classmates and your new teacher, that you won't notice she's not with you" Louis said to the girl.

"Are you gonna be my music teacher?" Willa wondered.

"No, sweetheart" Louis denied, although he had already told her this "I teach music in the preschool, not the school you're going this year".

Willa pouted so sadly that Louis was scared she might break down in tears.

"The good news is that the preschool is right down the street from the school, so if anything happens and you need me or your dad, I can be there in a few minutes" Louis explained "Does that sounds good?".

When Harry filled out the school information, and he had to list emergency contacts, he obviously put himself down, and he asked Louis if he could add him as well. And it made sense, because he was going to be the girls' step parent, and because he was so close by, so he said yes to Harry's request.

"Yeah" Willa agreed.

"Alright, are you ready?" Louis asked.

Willa nodded, so Louis went downstairs with her, grabbed her jacket and backpack, just as Quinn came downstairs with her hair in a half ponytail, and Harry came down after her while he was putting on his suit jacket.

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