2.36. Days without paracetamol

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Three weeks went by in which Louis had to fight an internal battle every single day to keep his disorder controlled, and although there were a few times in which he almost exploded, so far it hadn't actually happened again.

But that one day he lost the battle and he exploded, but thankfully it wasn't terrible, because nothing bad happened, and fortunately the twins didn't see it, only Harry did.

And it was stupid too, because it all happened on a Sunday morning when Harry came back from the grocery store. Louis had asked his husband to bring strawberry jam because he was craving it, but when he started to unpack the groceries he realized the jam was nowhere to be seen.

"Did you forget the strawberry jam?" Louis asked as he looked again in every bag.

"Oh, shït!" Harry cursed.

"Are you kidding me?" Louis demanded.

"Baby, I'm sorry, I'll..."

But Louis didn't hear anything else that came out of Harry's mouth because he turned around and went straight upstairs to his room while he cried his eyes out.

Because how could Harry do this?

He had only asked for one thing, one little thing, and he hadn't done it!

"Lou..." Harry said as he came inside the bedroom, and closed the door.

"You don't love me, do you?" Louis accused Harry.

"Don't say that" Harry sighed.

"Why? It's true, you don't love me, and you don't love our baby!" Louis cried.

"I love you both so much" Harry told him.

"Then why did you do this?" Louis sobbed "Why? I didn't ask for much, and you don't even want to do that for me".

"You know I was at the store with the girls, and they were running around and bickering so I got distracted, I'm sorry" Harry apologized "I'll go back and I'll get you your jam".

"I don't want it anymore!".

"Then calm down, please" Harry begged.

"No!" Louis shouted and went inside the bathroom, and locked the door, because he didn't want to see Harry.

He stayed in there crying for a long time, he wasn't even sure how long, and when he finally came out, Harry wasn't in the bedroom anymore, so he just laid down on the bed.

At that point he had calm down enough to know that he had again lost control, and he hated that, especially because of the things he said to Harry. The worst part was, though that as he said that Harry didn't love him or the baby, that he truly believed it.

The door of the bedroom opened then, and in came Harry holding a little tray, and he looked at Louis unsure.

"I'm sorry" Louis apologized right away.

"No, I'm sorry" Harry said as he left the tray on the bed, and Louis realized it had a cup of tea, biscuits and a jar of strawberry jam "You did ask for one thing and I forgot".

"But you didn't deserve that reaction" Louis said as he picked up the jam, and unscrewed the lid "It was unnecessary".

"I'm still sorry" Harry insisted "And for the record I do love you and the baby".

"I know, babe" Louis said as grabbed the tea spoon, dug it in the jam and ate spoonful of it "Mmm".

"Is it good?" Harry asked "I got you the fancy one".

"It's amazing" Louis said and ate another spoonful.

"You're not going to eat it with biscuits?" Harry questioned.

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