2.27. The lightning strike

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"Harry" Louis called his fiancé when he saw him waiting for him.

Harry turned, and when he spotted Louis he smiled and walked up to him.

"Hi, baby" Harry said, and gave him a kiss.

"Have you been waiting long?" Louis wondered.

"No, I just got here" Harry replied.

"We still have half an hour until the appointment, should we get coffee?" Louis proposed.

"Sure" Harry agreed.

There was a coffee shop on that same block, so they went inside and Louis went find a table while Harry went to get the coffee.

"There you go, love" Harry said when he came back with the coffee.

"Thank you" Louis smiled.

"So how did lunch go with your grandmother?" Harry asked.

"It went well, it was great seeing her, and she was very open to all of my questions about my dad" Louis explained.

"Yeah?" Harry smiled softly.

Louis then told Harry everything his grandmother had said, not wanting to hide anything, because in the end this concerned both of them.

"So you think he didn't have BPD?" Harry asked when Louis finished his story.

"I don't think so? But I'm not a doctor, I don't know, we'll probably never know" Louis shrugged "But it's clear that he did have mental health problems for years, and I want to explain that to Dr. Williams, see what he thinks".

"Yes, absolutely" Harry agreed.

"In other news, my grandma is very happy that we're getting married, and she insisted on giving me money for our wedding" Louis announced.

"That's not necessary".

"I told her that, but she insisted and she cut me a check" Louis explained "It's way too much money than we need for the wedding we want, like... way more".

"How much?" Harry asked curiously.

"200" Louis said under his breath.

"200K?" Harry asked wide eyed.

"Yep" Louis confirmed.

"Baby, that's insane" Harry told him.

"I know, and I told her I don't even know what to do with all the money I already have, and now I have all this extra".

"What do you mean the money you already have?" Harry wondered.

"My inheritance money from my grandfather, you know about it, it's what we lived off in Manchester" Louis reminded him.

"I didn't know you still had that".

"Of course I do, we only lived off of it for like 6 months?" Louis replied "And then I went back to live with my grandparents here in London, and when I went to Uni I kept living with them, and my mum paid for Uni and gave me pocket money because she said it was her duty, and then when my grampa died, I got more money in his will, then I moved to Brighton with my nan, and the house is hers, and she doesn't let me pay rent, and I cover all my expenses with my salary, so... yeah, all my inheritance money is just sitting there... well, actually it's not, it's invested, it's been invested all of these years, but still... it's there, I don't touch it, and I guess this new check is going there, except for whatever we end up spending on the wedding and maybe a nice honeymoon?".

"Lou..." Harry said, and his eyes were still huge.

"What?" Louis asked.

"How much money do you have?" Harry questioned.

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