Part Ninety-Six: Cliff

Start from the beginning

"He needed help picking out oatmeal. We chose dinosaur eggs by the way-"

"Whatever Owen." Lavender says sarcastically, before sticking her tongue out at him.

"Hey, watch how you talk to him Lavender." Danny says with a sigh as he sits down beside Rosie.

"Well, he doesn't have to lie and insult me." Lavender complains as she glares at Owen, who's now laughing at her.

"Sorry, sorry... I was just saying I like the little dinosaurs... That's all." Owen says, chuckling more, when she rolls her eyes- for the millionth time today-and goes up the stairs again.

"Homework, Lavender!" Danny yells.

"I finished it!" She calls back. "Sir!" She adds, before she goes in her room.

"She's just as stubborn as her counterpart," Dylan says with a laugh. Danny glares at him, from across the table, and Dylan shrugs. "He is. I can't get Durst to do shit unless he wants to-"

"She's just being a teenager." I say, trying to disperse the conversation, but Rosie and Violet already look nervous. "Girls, why don't you go get cleaned up, and I'll call you back down for some ice cream later." I tell them, and they agree, and go upstairs. I sigh, when they leave their dishes. I go around the table to retrieve them.

"Let me take care of those." Danny says as he stands up and grabs the plates from me. "You need to eat." He says, and I nod, because I almost forgot to.

"How did things go?" I ask as I put a plate for myself together, and sit beside Danny's stool as he cleans up the girls plates.

"Good, I guess. The elders said they'll get the word out, but I wouldn't expect positive feedback. We can't expect people to risk their lives." He says quietly, and I sense him freezing up, his breathing stopping, I know he's getting lost in his thoughts.

"We'll hear back from people soon enough-"

I stop, because the phone is ringing, but before I could get up to grab it, Danny goes to answer it. I give Owen a questioning look, but he doesn't know what's going on either. "Who was it?" I ask, when he returns to the room.

"Sam's brother, he's heading down here- tonight. He got a call from the elders, and started packing, he's leaving as soon as he grabs his things." Danny said, with a confused, but happy look on his face.

"Sick!" Owen says with a bright smile. "It'll be fun having him around." He says as as he takes his plate to the sink.

"It's a blessing- that we have someone coming-"

The phone began ringing again. Danny stops talking and looks at me again, before leaving the room.

"You don't think it's someone else already?" I say as Dylan tries to listen down the hall. He nods.

"It is." Dylan says as he finishes up his plate, a smile on his face. "It's not going to be as hard if we keep getting calls like this." Dylan says.

"Yeah, I mean, we never know what's going to happen, but if we have enough wolves... Maybe we can have a chance. Something has got to be done."

"And soon." Owen says with a nod. "They aren't slowing down, so we need a strong front."

"That was two other people," Danny says, as he walks in. "They'll be here tomorrow." He says, as he sits down to eat his food again.

"That's good." I say with a nod.

"Yeah, we'll see if this lasts," He says hesitantly.

"The gods will always lead us down the right path..." I say, and it seems to help them all hearing it, but everyone remains on edge. We all go into scouting that night still on edge, scouting the area like we were walking on glass, expecting the worse.

Even when I run as my wolf I feel uncertain, and I spend my whole time on my paws on edge. It was like waking along a canyon, always certain you're close, too close, but never falling. We are in sync, but we are all so uncertain of ourselves, being on that edge. I go to sleep feeling that way, and teeter between my dark dreams, and being awake.

With my eyes closed, in my bed, I am a wolf again, on the edge of that canyon. I run along the darkness, almost falling constantly. When I wake I am a scared human in my bed, woken from the fear, but reality was just as terrifying... and I couldn't tell which is worse.

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