Part Sixty-Eight: Handle It

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"Thanks for everything Luna." Durst said, hugging me close to him as Owen walks ahead. "It means so much to me to not feel pushed away, I can't imagine how you felt, and I know I already said I'm sorry, but I really am, for being a jerk all those years ago, and I know the others are too. I love you Cora, you're the best friend a guy could ask for. And you're an amazing Luna." He said, all while still hugging me. We had walked for only a short time, laughing all along, but not burning off much of their stupor. He was emotional, but I knew he was being honest, and that meant the world to me.

"I love you too, brother." I said, squeezing him tighter to me. I had no other words to say, but I hope they said enough. That I wanted him around, that I wanted him in my life, and I wanted things to work out for him, because he'd always be family- no matter what happens with him and Lavender.

I waved as Durst went to the scout house, and caught up with Owen, and we walked toward the front porch of my home. I smiled up at Danny as I saw him approach the edge of the porch.

"Where were you." Danny asked, looking from Owen to Durst's fading figure. His chest was puffed, his shoulders as tense as his eyes, and his hands behind his back like a standing soldier.

"Down lover boy. We needed to be set straight by the Luna. She did a great job, and both Durst and I rightfully feel like shit. I'm drunk, so my apologies, Sir, because I know the more I run my mouth the more you want to hit me square in the face. I really need to speak to my wife, but I respect the shit out of you, so I'm asking to be excused, please."  Owen said, all as we approached him.

"Owen!" I whispered nervously.

"No, no, it's okay. You're excused." Danny said, chuckling as he nodded towards the house. Owen nodded and left quickly in the direction Danny nodded. "Oh, and Owen: I side with Frea, no matter what she decides, do I make myself clear?" He didn't look back, or change his stance. Owen froze, and nodded.

"Yah- yes sir- Alpha." Owen stammered out.

"You may go." Danny cleared his throat and turned his right ear towards the sound of him leaving. I waited nervously as he kept his head turned towards the sound, listening. He looked down at me. "Well, what are you waiting for?" He said, a smirk crossing his face and turning into a huge grin. I ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck as he hugged my waist. "Always surprising me little Fire." He chuckled.

"You aren't mad at me?" I asked, honestly surprised.

"Of course not. You are Luna... You were handling issues in the pack. They all need to respect you. I'm glad you did your part helping them... Though I think I could do without you and Durst hugging like that... But that's more my wolf than me." He chuckled.

"You know he's just my friend... " I teased, nervously. "Your reaction is kind of sweet though." I admitted, before pressing my lips to my claim on his neck.

"Yeah, I know, I'm just a bit..."

"Possessive...?" I teased, even though I known it's mostly the wolf in him that worried.

"Passionate about you." He chuckled. "You know I always figured... If we hadn't met, and me and Lavender weren't here, you and him would of ended up together- in a different life. So it worries me sometimes, yeah, but only because I love you so." He kissed the curve of my neck, teasingly too low to touch his claim. My skin grew goosebumps and my heart raced, wishing he would just kiss where I wanted him to.

"There is no life without you Daniel." I swallowed hard and looked up at him, feeling my eyes grow nervously as he looked down at me. So mature was his face, so perfect despite healing scars, and the stubble across his chin. His eyes glowed that emerald I love so much, deep and vast like two seas, as they crashed with waves, scanning my face and expression. "I'm sorry if I made you worry..."

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