Into Harmony's Way

Start from the beginning

"Katy-" Jennette tries to say something but she's cut off when Kepling runs into the living room and starts barking frantically at me. "Why's he barking like that?" Lindsey asks looking at me. "I don't know. He's never done this-ow!" A sharp pain shoots through my lower abdomen. "Shit Katy, are you okay." Jennette asks getting up and walking over to me. She puts her hands on my back as I topple over in pain. "Yeah it's just my stomach." Kepling keeps barking at me as he jumps up on the couch. "I think he's telling you to sit down." Jennette says. She tries to help me over to the couch, but I quickly push her off and run to the bathroom. I barely make it in time before I begin throwing up violently.

"Jesus, kid." Jennette says walking up behind me and trying to hold my hair back until I'm done. "Do we need to take you to the hospital?" She asks while I flush the toilet. "No." I say wiping my mouth and going to wash my hands. "It's just my anxiety triggers spasms like this. I'll be fine, I just need to take my medicine." "You sure cause Kepling was freaking out hardcore it seemed." "He knows when I'm gonna be sick before I can even feel anything." Jennette nods her head in response. She obviously doesn't believe me. I will be fine though. Anxiety is just a bitch and my stomach figures that out the hard way.

"So what do we do without her now?" I ask Jennette as we head back to my living room. "We just continue our lives. We can't change the past or how Ariana feels so we have to move on. But here's stuff to look forward to; you're gonna finish your senior year strong with Cameron as your boyfriend. Then you're gonna graduate and make some college very happy with your softball skills. As for me, well you know I live one day at a time so it's hard telling where I'll end up. I'll find other shows or a movie to be on. But wherever the two of us go or whatever we do, we'll always be best friends." She states while holding up her pinky. I roll my eyes at how cliche she is and then link my pinky with hers. "Team KJ for life. What will you do about your best friend other than me now?" "I still have Miranda." "Cosgrove?" "Indeed! I'll have to let you meet her one day. She'll love you. We could be the three amigos!" Jennette states making me laugh. I'm glad I didn't fuck up enough to lose Jennette too.

Ariana's POV:
"You knew?" I ask Frankie as tears make their way down my face. I called Frankie to come back to my apartment not too long after he had left. Even though we've been fighting nonstop for the past two weeks, I still couldn't help but cling to him when I got the news about Katy and Cameron now being a couple. Apparently he's known about her feelings for Cameron since the day her and Jennette hung out with him while I was in the recording studio.

"I'm sorry Ariana. I promised I wouldn't say anything because I know how hard it is trying to figure your sexuality out. She really did want to be with you though." "Then why did she take so long to ask!" I say crying even harder now. "Because she was scared! Ariana, you have to understand that coming into terms with your true sexuality isn't just something that happens over night! It can take up to years before someone realizes the truth." Frankie fights back. He lets out a few tears now. I can tell his memories still haunt him to this day.

"Frankie she lied to me though! I always knew something was up between them but she denied it every time. Who else knew?" Frankie looks away from me now. "Jennette and Shane." I begin sobbing now. How could Jennette keep something like that from me, her best friend. And Shane said he was telling me everything I needed to know. Why did he leave that part out?

"Ariana I-" "Just l-leave p-pl-lease." I say cutting him off. Frankie nods his head and quietly leaves my apartment. I flop onto my couch and continue sobbing. I wish Katy had never even won that contest now.

April 26, 2014

Katy's POV:
After Sam and Cat finished filming last month, everything went downhill for Jennette and Ariana. After Jennette went back to California a few days after Valentine's Day, things slowly began to fall apart. By the time March rolled around, especially the last few weeks, they were completely done with each other. Nick began favoring Ariana more and more everyday, so filming the last episode was a blessing for Jennette. The whole situation had Jennette's nerves shot so she began drinking. It sucked because I never could be there to make sure she was being responsible. She didn't get drunk that much, but when she did, she ended up taking nudes and sending them to the wrong people. They were leaked all over Twitter the next day.

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