After lots were drawn, let's just say some folks weren't too happy about they're selection. Meaning a certain person Lauren. She was pissed that I was paired with her boyfriend Rick. I could tell by the look on her face that she wanted to snatch some edges. I'm like " Calm down girl don't nobody want yo man " I stare back at her.

When everyone was set and in position. Feeling self conscious, I really didn't want to participate. But just went along with it by trying to keep an upbeat attitude. Looking around I spot Jasmine who was paired with Aya . Waving, I watched as they waved back with smiles on their faces. Then feeling uncomfortable again by having some guy I don't even know this close to me. All the while Lauren stood there shooting daggers. Not even paying attention to the little kid she had been paired with.

Couldn't she get it though her thick skull it's just a game and nothing more.

" Okay everybody ! Let's get this show on the road people ! "  Uncle Brian announced. Which gets some enthusiastic, unenthusiastic replies.

" Alright on your mark, get ready , set , go ! " he said in a booming voice. And the race was on ...

This is really difficult trying so hard not to fall. Seeing everyone else struggling but with smiles on their faces. Smiling myself, I give back my full attention and try to finish the race. Taking a unexpected misstep, feeling an arm wrap around my waist steadying me.

" Are you okay ? "  Rick asked  concerned.

" Yeah, "  I tell him slightly embarrassed.

" You sure ? "  he asked again .

" Yeah I am sure,"  I answered seeing as everyone had already passed us. " Well I guess we lost " face palming myself causing Rick to burst out laughing.

When he stops and asks " Well do wanna finish or not ? "

" Might as well, " I smiled back.


After playing more family oriented games such as capture the flag, sack race for the kids , tag football played mostly with teenaged boys and some grown men. They played intensely having most of them shirtless. I noticed Jasmine watching from the side lines. As I sit in the safety of shelter where the picnic tables are. Feeling parched, on cue Rick came over handing me a drink.

" Why are you over here ? And not socializing with everyone else ? " he asked.

" You wouldn't understand, " I answered feeling irritated because it's really hot out.

After talking with him I started to feel at ease, I even laugh at a few jokes he told. Suddenly Lauren walks over grabbing Rick's hand telling us both " It's time to eat, " while eyeballing me. Rolling my eyes back, following them over to where the food was set out.

Standing in the line that was formed, when it's my turn Rick hands me a plate and utensils." Thanks, " I told him before placing food on my plate.

Later on....

After everyone's finished eating . The kids are playing on the other side of the park. I see Aya having the time her life sliding down the slide.

The adults were sitting around talking and playing cards. At some point alcoholic beverages were set out. Some started to drink a little too much, you could tell by their slurred speech. Especially Lauren, she needed to stop. Even though I can't stand her ass I was embarrassed for her. Hanging all over Rick like someone was gonna steal him from her.

" Wow! " I say aloud thinking that I'm saying it to myself .

" What was that ? " Lauren sauntered over to me with a glazed look in her eyes.

You never know.... ( AMBW ) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon