Ch.55 Writing tools

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"So how come you're here instead of your tower?" Brooke asked as she sat at a table.

"Because I like to think of this cottage as my study area" Merlin said "Mainly because this cottage used to be my house when I was a child. Now, if you're going to write your own story, then you're going to need these."

He then gathered some items and placed them in front of Brooke.

"Every author needs a notebook to start with" he held up a brown leather notebook "A pen to write with" he held up a quill pen "And ink to dip the quill in."

"Cool" Brooke smiled as she reached for the quill and ink.

"But I must warn you" he put in "These aren't ordinary items, the quill and ink are magic, this ink came from a sea monster called the Kraken, and this quill is made from enchanted wood, if you use the quill with the ink, anything you write will come true."

"Whoa" she gasped "So you mean, if I write like, an apple appeared in my hand, it'll happen?"


"But what if I just want to write and I don't want it to come true?"

"Then you use this regular pen" he handed her a ball point pen "And if you write carefully with the quill, there's a chance that whatever you write wont come true, so use the quill only if you want to."

"Well, thank you Merlin" she said with a small smile "But uh, is the notebook enchanted too?"

"No it's just a regular notebook."


"And another thing" he added "Be careful with these items, especially with the ink, there's no telling what could happen is that ink spilled."

"And what about the quill?"

"Oh I got lots more of enchanted quills, again the ink is the one you need to be careful with."

"Can I try it out?"

"Go ahead."

So Brooke opened the notebook as she dipped the quill into the ink and started to write in the notebook, and at that point an apple appeared in front of her and she gasped.

"Very good" Merlin smiled.

"Wow" she gasped with a smile "Now that was cool."

She then closed the ink cap and placed it along with the quill into a small case.

"Thank you Merlin" she smiled.

"Oh I'm not done yet" he put in "You said you need to look for inspiration for your stories, and since you've seen the fairytale world already, why not get inspiration in another world?"

"What do you mean?"

"Follow me."

Brooke followed Merlin outside where he stopped and waved his hand through the air as a large door appeared.

"This door" he said "Will take you to a new world, the real world, in and town called Boston, you'll find inspiration there."


"Trust me, I've been there before, and even though there's isn't any magic, it's still a very interesting place. And you can stay there as long as you need to."

"Well uh, maybe for like a day or so, because I promised my parents I wouldn't be gone that long."

"Suit yourself" he smiled "So, are you going?"

With her new writing tools, Brooke went up to the door as Merlin opened it.

"Thank you again" she smiled.

"Any time" he smiled.

Brooke then turned to the door as she took a deep breath and stepped through the door. And as soon as she saw light, she found herself in a busy city, cars were driving on the streets, people were walking everywhere. Brooke has never seen a place like this, but now that she was in Boston, all she needed to do was find inspiration.

The next day, during lunch, Kayla couldn't stop thinking about the wolf she encountered last night, the way it stared at her with it's blue eyes, just like in her dreams.

"Kayla" Francis suddenly said which snapped her out of her thinking "You still thinking about that wolf?"

"Yeah" Kayla said "You know it kills me that I can't remember where I've seen that wolf before."

"Okay then, um, did you see it in a dream before the curse?"

"I don't think so."

"Did you see the wolf anytime before the curse?"

"Now that I don't know."

"Well uh, maybe it's not the wolf your familiar with, maybe it's something of the wolf, like uh, the eyes, have you seen those blue eyes anywhere?"

"Well now that I think of it, I think I have seen those eyes before, but again I don't remember where."

"Did you meet someone with those eyes?"

"I don't think so, to me, I feel like I've seen those eyes way before, like before I started Ever After High."

"Well do you remember meeting anyone with those eyes before Ever After?"

"I don't know" Kayla sighed "I guess I'll never find out."

Okay, now onto Ramona. So the next day, after Ramona's birthday, while Cerise was at school, Ramona decided to skip it today so she can run through the woods with her new necklace on. Like her sister, Ramona enjoyed running, the way the wind brushes against her while using her wolf speed made her feel free. But when she ran into a meadow, she suddenly stopped by the person who was in front of her.

"My" the Evil Queen grinned "You sure have the speed of a wolf."

"Uh, what are you doing here?" Ramona asked as she felt nervous, even for the bad wolf she is, she still has fears.

"Oh I was just on my way to pay a visit to my daughter."

But when Ramona saw the book she was holding, she gave a gasp.

"That book" she point with her eyes widen "That's the spell book with that curse you told us about, where did you find it?"

"How do you know about this book?"

"Raven, it's all over the school news. You're on your way to the school to cast the curse!"

"Well look who's catching on" the Queen smirked.

"I wont let you do it" Ramona growled "My sister is at school, and I'm not gonna let you curse her."

She tried to reach for the book, but the Queen held it back.

"Careful who you mess with dear" she warned "And you can try to warn everyone, but how will they understand you when you're a dog?"

And with that she used her powers on Ramona as Ramona felt herself transform into a wolf with gray fur as she turned to the queen with her blue eyes as she tried to talk, but all that came out were whimpers.

"Looks like you've embraced your wolf abilities" the Queen said with a sneaky smile "Now if you would excuse me, I've got a curse to cast."

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