"You'd be on your deathbed and still want food."

"I like chicken." She shrugged and I shook my head.

"Okay chicken girl, I'll order you some and have the guys pick it up after your doctor visits."

"Ms. Chase?" We heard a voice and looked to see a woman walk in. Her blonde hair was pulled up and back, and her middle aged eyes were tired. "I'm Dr. Lisa."

"Hi." Carter said. "This is my fiancé Ashton." She introduced me as well.

"Well I've gone over your charts and it's just a seizure nothing more, but due to your condition of the dissociative seizures I'm going to suggest you staying overnight for monitoring so we can make sure you don't have anymore." The doctor said and I felt Carters body sigh.

"But that's it? After that I'm good?"

"If there are no more seizures then yes."

We both nodded.

"Okay then, I'll have a nurse take out your IV, and then just rest up and if all goes well then you can go home tomorrow morning."

We thanked her before she left and then a nurse came in to take out Carters IV.

"Okay, I'll order your chicken, do you need anything else?" I asked her.

"I need my nice warm fiancé to cuddle me." She reached up to poke my nose and I smiled cheekily at her.

"Scoot over then." I said and she moved over to the side and let me get in before moving back over to me.

I pulled out my phone and began to order her food and call the guys to come bring the kids and Carters things while Carter struck up a conversation with Harry.

"So was the mob really bad?"

"It got pretty aggressive. I kept trying to find where you had gone and then I saw the people move because you had fallen."

"Oh. Well I hope no one else got hurt." She said and I heard Harry scoff.

"You're the one who's in the hospital."

"I know, but still. I wouldn't want anyone else to get hurt."

I hung up the phone and then put my arm around her shoulders.

"And that's why you are the sweetest girl in the world." I leaned in to kiss her cheek and she smiled up at me.

Harry sat down on the sofa and I saw Carter look at him.

"Oh, Harry you don't have to stay. I'm fine." She said to him.

"Well I feel responsible for the whole situation, and I want to make sure you're okay. That's what friends are for."

"Thank you, Harry." She smiled.

I turned on the television in our room and felt Carter snuggle into my side for a little bit until the door to her hospital room opened and Michael, Calum, and Luke walked in with Ender and Gracie.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon