I mostly window shopped as I walked around, not looking for anything really but somewhere in the back of my head I remembered Ashton's birthday was coming up soon.

I needed to start figuring out what to get him.

"Mommy lookie!" Gracie exclaimed and I looked ahead where there was a Disney store.

"Oh, let's go look inside." I smiled and pushed the stroller along, Ender following beside me.

The kids had a blast in the Disney store where I ended up purchasing several things for each of them before we moved on to lunch.

I found a restaurant with an outside patio where we ate.

Gracie climbed into my lap as we waited for the check. When she started to pull on my shirt I knew I'd have to set up some boundaries.

"No Gracie, stop." I told her.

"But cuddle." She pouted.

"I know you want to cuddle and we can cuddle later, but right now I need you to stop pulling on my shirt and be still." I scolded her in my motherly tone, but she did as I said and sat still in my lap, leaning her head against my collar bone.

I paid the check and then we continued to walk around.

"Can we go see Ashton?" Ender asked me.

"Uh sure. I can have the driver take us there." I said and called the driver.

We loaded back in the car and were driven to a building on the outskirts of downtown. Once there we got out of the vehicle and walked inside, following the sound of music.

We got to a door in the hall where I could tell the music was coming from and opened the door, slowly going in as to not disturb them.

All of their backs were facing me and Gracie put her hands over her ears because of the loud noise, making a grumpy face.

I laughed and took her picture as the boys continued to practice without noticing us.

My eyes were of course drawn to Ashton who was behind his drum kit, completely focused.

They finished the song and I started to clap, all of them turning around to see me.

"Hey!" They shouted in greeting.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Daddy you loud." Gracie pouted and he busted out laughing, everyone else doing so also.

"Come here girly." He patted his lap and she walked over to him, Ashton picking her up and setting her on his legs, kissing her cheek.

"How was your day?" Ashton asked her.

"We go to Disney!" She grinned.

"Disney?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at me.

"Disney store." I explained and he nodded.

"That sounds fun Gray." He smiled. "Oh and guess what, Uncle Mikey is going to take you on your date tonight."

"Wow Gray, that's exciting." I smiled, sending Michael a wink who just laughed.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now