Chapter 36: Without her

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-So what is it that you're planning on doing?, Danny asked me point blank the next morning at work after hearing the whole story I told him, and especially my crazy plan.

-Probably start with talking to a good lawyer, I sipped my coffee while staring the beauty of the island right outside my office's window.

-Yeah well... they don't like you very much you know, my friend giggled at me and I couldn't do less to at least smile.

Truth was that being in the law business brought me lots of enemies on my back, especially lawyers. Still being a McGarrett in the island was a benefit itself, and I had spent years working on my reputation with many ex DAs.

-I bet I can find someone that owes me a favor or two, I smirked at him and he raised his hands in the air.

-You know your business Steve. So are you really gonna do it?, Danny asked with a certain tremble in her voice.

I knew it was a big step and I knew all the stuff that it'd lead me to but if there was one thing I was absolutely certain of was that Jill could not go back to Boston.

-I know I have enough to fight my case. The thing is... I don't know if I can do what it takes. I promised Jill that I would but it'll be awful and..., I trailed off to swallow the knot in the middle of my throat.

-And... it will bring up some terrible subjects, Danny said reading my mind and looked at me with sad eyes.

I sighed deeply. I always knew I'd have to face the situation of telling my sister about her true father, but I hoped it'd be in a different situation. Mom swore she'd take the secret to the grave, but Jill being the smart kid she was wouldn't take long to dig into the matter with her own hands.

-If she doesn't hate me and distrust me now, she for sure will after that, I sighed in frustration already picturing the scenario in my head. It will not be pretty.

-You're being ridiculous Steve, she could never hate you. It wasn't even your mistake for Christ sake! Your mom should have never lied to her, Danny frowned at me like he usually does when I have a lecture coming.

-Yes well... I didn't help either, did I?, I grumbled under my breath.

-Oh come on Steve! What were you supposed to say: Hi Jill, welcome to Hawaii. Hey did you know we have different fathers? Yeah, mom screwed a guy causing dad to fly his ass across the country and never show his face again. Yeah, she'd take that well.

-You done?, I asked coldly at my ranting friend who decided to quit on the subject luckily.

-We'll be working on the Adams case. Everything is under control so you can dedicate your time to this particular matter, Danny assured me and I nodded my head thanking him.

I'd need as much time as they could give me to solve this out.

As for now my mom had some important business back in Boston, so she'd leave Jill under my care until that has been taken care of. She didn't mention anything about lawyers anymore, but knowing her like I did I knew this wasn't the end of this. But next time she comes I'd be ready to fight.

In the meantime, I had tried for things to come back to normal with Jill. She was still training with Joe every morning and she'd spend endless hours with her friends. Everytime I could I'd get off work to be with her for as much as I could, surf a few waves and try not to think about what the future had for us two. Only one thing was certain: I could not lose her again.

-Deep thoughts brother?, my little sister looked at me with a smile brighter than the sun, placing her board right next to us before sitting in the warm sand.

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