"Okay so I had an idea for today since its your first day in LA. There's this super cute dress I found and they also had a matching one for little girls..." She trailed off with her wide smile and went to the rack to pull off a red dress with white polka dots.

It looked very vintage, like the dresses the girls wore in the 50's.

"Oh that's so cute! It reminds me of when me and my mom used to watch Grease."

"It looked like you and I knew Gracie would love matching with you."

"Mommy we have dress!" Gracie tugged on my sleeve.

"I know, let's get changed." I grinned and Becca helped us get into our new dresses.

"So what was your idea?" I asked Becca as she zipped up my dress in the back.

"There's this blue wall that's really pretty for photos and I figured you and Gracie could take some with Ashton and Ender."

"I love that, it's so cute!" I smiled.

Becca and I got Gracie in her dress and then went over to the makeup tables where I sat down, Becca going to work on my face and hair.

She ended up putting my hair in a high ponytail, retouching my curls before moving onto my makeup, giving me winged eyeliner and red lips.

"Mommy I want it!" Gracie whined for the lipstick.

"I guess a little won't hurt." I said and Becca smiled as she went to do Gracie's lips and hair to match mine.

Next she brought over the shoes.

Mine were red with a thick heel that was only a couple inches tall, and Gracie's were the same but flat. 

"Hey Ashton, want to come see your hot wife!" Becca called out and Ashton walked into the room, looking at me and Gracie.

"This is seriously one of the cutest things I've ever seen." He said, a wide grin on his face.

"Come on, I have outfits for you too." She handed him a white tee to change into. "And this ones for Ender."

Ashton left to go change shirts with Ender and came back a few minutes later with my little brother.

"Very handsome." I stepped up and placed my hands on Ashton's shoulders, leaning up to kiss him.

"Let's go out then." He smirked and we gathered our things before leaving the hotel, Calum tagging along with us.

There were still girls outside and I waved as we got into the car, Ashton buckling up Gracie.

We wove through the streets of LA and I finally turned on the phone in my hand off airplane mode and watched it fill with notifications and messages.

Checking my messages first I had a few from Ari sending me her love and asking where we kept our light bulbs.

I also had some from Ann that were pictures of Bear and Indie playing together.

I showed the photos to Ender who smiled widely and then went to my Instagram.

Looking around I noticed I had been tagged in a lot of photos that Ashton's friends had taken at the party the other night.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now