Chapter 76 Meeting a New Friend

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  Chapter 76
(Year Five)

"What is it, Hagrid?" Hermione asked, looking up at Hagrid with concern on her face as we hurry across the lawn towards the edge of the forest.
"Yeh --- yeh'll see in a mo'," Hagrid said, looking over his should as I heard a cheer behind us. "Hey --- did someone jus' score?"
"It'll be Ravenclaw," me and Harry said in union.
"Good...good...tha's good..." Hagrid said distractedly, though Carly didn't get that and looked at him weirdly.

We had to jog to keep up with Hagrid as he went down the lawn, looking around in every direction from each step. When we reached his cabin Hermione turned automatically making Carly almost run into her to the front door but Hagrid kept on movin' to the edge of the forest. We watched as Hagrid went past the shadows of the forest and picked up his crossbow then he relazed we weren't following he turned around. "We're goin' in here," he said, nodding his head the way we're going.

"The forest?" Carly said, a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, c'mon now, quick, before we're spotted!" Hagrid said.
We all look at each other and then we stared to follow Hagrid, Harry holding my hand tightly I don't know why though, we ran to catch up with Hagrid as he started walking.
"Hagrid, why are you armed?" Harry asked.
"Jus' a precaution," Hagrid shrugged.
"You didn't bring your crossbow the day you showed us the thestrals," Said Hermione.
"Nah, well, we weren' goin' in so far then, an' anyway, tha' was before Firenze left the forest, wasn't it?"
"Why does Firenze leaving the forest make a difference?" I ask curious.
"'Cause the other centaurs are good an' riled at me, tha's why," said Hagrid quietly glancing around I could feel he's nervous. "They used ter be ---- well, yeah, couldn' call 'em friendly ---- but we got on all righ'. Kept 'emselves to 'emselves, bu' always turned up if I wanted a word. Not anymore..." Hagrid sighed deeply.
"Firenze said that they're angry because he went to work for Dumbledore?" Harry asked, tripping on something but I caught him before he could touch the ground.
"Yeah," Said Hagrid heavily. "Well, angry doesn' cover it. Rubby livid. If I hadn' stepped in, I reckon they'd've kicked Firenze ter death ----"
"They attacked him!" Carly said shocked.
"Yep, Oh, sorry Ro." Hagrid said as he went through several lowhanging branches that had hit me in the face, I nodded as a "It's okay," to him. "Anyways, he had half the herd onto him ----"
"And you stopped it by yourself?" Me and Harry say in union, amazed and impressed.
"'Course I did, couldn't stand by an' watch 'em kill him, could I? Lucky I was passin'm really...An' I'd've thought Firenze mighta remember tha' before he stated sendin' me stupid warnin's!" Hagrid said hotly, I took a step back so I wouldn't hurt anything and possibly break my hand or anything.
We all look at each other startled we haven't seen Hagrid like this before...Hagrid didn't see this though.
"Anyway," he said, breathing a little more heavily than usual, "since then the other centaurs've bin livid with me an' the trouble is, they've got a lot of influence in the forest....Celeverst creatures in here..."
"IS that why we're here, Hagrid?" Asked Hermione. "The centaurs?"
"ah, no," Said Hagrid, shaking his head. "No, it's not them...Well, o' course, they could complicate the problem, yeah....But yeh'll see what I mean in a bit..."

The path was becoming more and more earthy with more trees and it was more dark making it look like Midnight but we didn't stop there we kept on moving.

Hagrid soon stepped off path which made me nervous because the last time me and Harry got off path we almost got killed by Voldemort in first year and me, Harry, and Hermione almost got killed by Uncle Remus as a werewolf in our Third year. "Hagrid?" Said Harry and Carly at the same time as we try to make our way through thickly knotted brambles, which Hagrid stepped over easily. "Where are we going?" They said at the same time again. They look at each other for a second like they both had two heads, shook their heads, and turn back to catching up with Hagrid.
"A bit further," said Hagrid over his shoulder. "C'mon, Harry, Carly...We need ter keep together now...."
That was easy for Hagrid to say because there were very thick thorns that got us all caught, well, mostly Harry, Hermione, and Carly but for me oh I just had to wear a dress with nothing covering my legs! I had cuts all over them and they were bleeding I'd be stabbed by a thorn and I'd need to stop and pluck it out of my leg. Harry suggested he gives me a piggy back ride but with him being stuck a lot by the thorns I declined I didn't want to give him more trouble.
Instead Carly made me ride her back instead because she said, and I quote, "I'm not wearing my uniform like these two werido's." So I'm riding her back but that doesn't prevent the cuts on my legs they're still bleeding.

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