Chapter 58- LAST CHAPTER

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Authors PoV
Last chapter, this is crazy, I've been obsessed with this story and just been writing chapter after chapter after chapter and now it's the end

10 years later

Auroras PoV

"And that's our session over, you are making progress" my Therapist smiled. After Luke I had placed my self in therapy just to I had a method of coping with what happens to me.

"Thank you, lately I haven't had dreams with him in, your just amazing" I smiled at her as I stood my self up

"You are looking great by the way,
Rocking that baby bump" she smiled at me and looked down to my swollen stomach

"Yep, numbers 4 and 5 will be joining the family soon" I laughed and rubbed my belly.

"Wow big family you have there, I don't know how you cope" she laughed as she gathered up her papers

"It's what I've always wanted" I smiled and then started to walk out

I walked back to my car and drove all the way back home.

I got to the driveway and my husband came out and ran over the the car door to help me out

"Jesus, your almost the size of the car" he laughed as he helped me up. I laughed too. I have having twins. For the second time.

I have to admit, I deep deep down I did still care for the first set of twins. I named the boy bird and the girl feather. I know I sound slightly crazy but they are apart of my past. They just fly away so they didn't go though hell.

I walked inside the house was was greeted by my 3 children.

I was living a next to perfect life. My husband was more than I could ask for and my family was growing in the direction I wanted it too.

Yes I still remembered Luke. I'd never forget him. But I had tried to just remember him for the fallen angel he was, not the monster he acted like.

He changed my life. He made me see things differently and act differently. Yes In most cases it was in a negative away, it's even effect my love life, when I first met my husband I couldn't deal with him touching me as first because it reminded me too much of Luke. And even getting pregnant the first real time effected me since I couldn't help but feel wrong but with support I managed, and most that support came from lukes memory. He held such a heavy weight for such a long time and still managed to go on. Even if he was going in the wrong direction.

I had even written a book, which became popular, it was based off my experience but I focused it more on lukes Pov, just to give him slight Justice. It became a best seller actually

Every Friday I go down to that church Luke took me too. I like to talk to the stain glass picture of Mary and try and talk to Luke

I know it sounds crazy, I should want nothing to do with him, but he had such a big effect on me I couldn't help but stay in contact with him. I'd just asked how he's doing and tell him how I was doing. I liked to believe he was an angel now, after all he was under all that darkness.

And after I'd visit the church I would go down to the graveyard and pay my respects to the ones that I knew Luke had killed.

I waddled into the kitchen (what an awkward transition that was) and went to put the kettle on. But I saw a note on it. I reached for the note

Guess who -D


It's all ogre now

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