Chapte 24

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Autoras PoV

Flash back (14 years old)

"Now then, your going to have to get a tooth removed, so you have room for your braces" my dentist told me. I nodded and Jessica lent forward

"I have a tooth removed, it's not bad at all" she reassured me. She was a good friend. She had offered to come with me as I got my tooth removed. My mother nodded

Soon I was laying down on the dentist chair. Looking up at the bright light. I saw a needle come into view and I closed my eyes

"Okay, now we will make it numb" she said. I could feel a jab in my lower mouth at both sides and then nothing.

"Now these too are a little uncomfortable" she said before I felt a sharp pain enter the top of my mouth. I squeezed my hands and soon if was over. She did it again to the other side, again the sharp pain but it was soon over.

I then didn't feel anything except pressure and a crunch. I was over before I knew it. She did the same to the other side and again it was fast, painless and okay. It was just the noise.

Soon she placed cotton buds on my mouth and sat me up. She ran over some stuff, handed me my teeth in a pouch and we left.

Simple and easy and not that bad at all. If was just the bleeding that was annoying.

Flash back over

I herd the crunch. I felt the pressure. I felt the flowing of blood. And I felt the sheer tooth getting ripped away from my very gums. I couldn't scream only chock as blood began to pour down my throat and also out my mouth.

"Ah fuck. She's bleeding a lot isn't she, can't even see any other teeth" jai sighed

"Pass my the teeth extractor" Luke said

I then felt the same pain and noises and even more blood.

Blood was running down my throat and I was sure I was going to throw up soon.

Luke then unstrapped my head and pushed it up and forward. Loads of blood and saliva ran out of my mouth and onto me and the chair. I still couldn't breath properly as the strap on my waist was too tight and I could barely move. It was making me claustrophobic and I started to just silently cry as blood ran from my mouth. Luke grabbed my head back again and removed the metal thing. I moved my jaw around as it felt weird.

"I think it's time for a lunch brake, I'll make us sandwiches" jai said as he began to walk off.

Luke watched as his brother walked off then he looked at me

"Are you enjoying your time so far, I sure am" Luke asked as he came infront of me. I just looked up at him, droll running down the side of my face. I glared at him

"Just kill me now, please" I begged, my words came out distorted since my mouth was flooding

"Your the one that got away Aurora, I'm making it sure your not the one that got away anymore, if I end your life now, it means you would have got away, And I can't allow that to happen again can I" he ran his hand along the side of my face

"You need to pay for what you did, you cheated death, one of the most powerful forces of this planet
Now, think about it as like Santa. He had elves who help him and give him service. Death is Santa and me, I'm a elf" Luke said all proud and glorious.

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