Chapter 5

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Auroras PoV

"...Then he handed me the popcorn from before and guess what, he put vomit in it and then he just left" I said all in one breath as my Dr EdwardO made notes

"I see, aurora I think we need to put you on some stronger medication, your hilusinations are back and stronger I see" he said in that bland voice. What. Why wasn't he lisening to me. I felt tears begin to roll down my face

"It wasn't a hilusination" I whispered and showed him my wrists "Don't you see, he's back"

Dr EdwardO looked at my wrists and made a few more notes

"Self inflected wounds I see, Luke isn't after you, he is far away, I'm changing your medication and if this carries on in moving you to a ward" he said as he ripped off a slip of paper.

Why didn't he believe me. I decided not to fight back anymore, as I didn't want him thinking I was crazy. I knew it was real and knowing that now no one believed me I had to face this battle on my own.

I ignored the burning in my throat and anger in my stomach. This burning fear and anxiety building up had just turned into anger and almost craze. I stood up and snatched the prescription from his hands and walked out.

I got into my car and started to drive back home when I got a feeling like I was getting followed. I looked in the mirror and saw a black car behind me, I couldn't see the driver, but it made my hairs stand up on end abit. I tried to ingnore it but I noticed that every turn I made, it too made to same turn. I wanted to say they where just going the same direction as me but the Situation was odd. To get to my home I could either go the long wooded root or the open fast way. No one ever went down the way. The stupidity never hit me and I turned down the Long and now dark wooded area, the path started narrow and sure enough that black car had followed me. Now I started to get scared. One I got out of this area I was going straight down to the police station to scare away this freak. Suddenly my car came to an abrupt stop and my panic level rise past maximum. I started cursing and trying to starting to swear profusely. The car wouldn't move and I saw the car behind me start to slow down. Now I honestly didn't fancy being murderd in my car in a woods meaning I had no other option but to get out and run and yes even the thought of running horrified me but maybe my adrenalin levels will keep me going. I looked back one more while un strapping myself and I saw a door open. I turned back around to remove the seatbelt when I felt a hand grab my head and pin me down. I started to struggle and felt a sharp prick on my neck. I watched as the faded hands moved away and someone exit my car? I then herd a scream of fear then a groan of pain. I felt my eyes started to close as the car door at my side opened and I felt a pair of hands lift me up before black.

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