Hottest fandoms

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Hottest fandoms!

Boo!! Did I scare you? So Halloween is coming up!! Comment on what you're doing! If you're dressing up, what kind of monster are you going to be dressing up as? I'm going to be trick or treating with the little kids, in my new town, (I'm moving so I might not be online much to write more amazing articles, sorry boss!) and I'm going to dress up as....... Me!!! Scary as, I know! Anyway, Seeing as Halloween is coming up, let's do a paranormal one, Vampires and Werewolves! I still have no idea how girls can love them! I'm like scared as. Let's start.

Vampires: pale, blood suckers. Not exactly the 'Dream man.' But still Edward has millions of lovers. If I was to go out with one of them, I'd wear 30 grams of perfume, (How much is that? Let's say it's a lot) and a thick scarf! But other girls that are on 'Team Edward' will probably beg to differ! They'd let him bite them. When I was small, Vampires were meant to be scary!! What do you think? Comment on if you think there scary, or hot. Would you be like me? Or be like the girls on 'Team Edward'. I'm not really into vampires, as you can tell, or other freaks of nature! But if you see them in a different kind of light, then I'll be kind! I mean, at least they only drink blood, and don't eat the people, and at least after you get bitten you come to life as a vampire. *Gets creepy sensation that someone is behind me.*

Werewolves: Tanned, K9/people. Like the Vamps, not likely to have very good table manners. But still Jacob has millions of girls after him, but in my opinion, he is way hotter than Edward, not with the long hair though. Werewolves seem a lot more comfortable to be around, you don't have to be worried if you're going to lose blood or not. But still quite creepy! I mean, what kind of creature of nature turns into something else!! Comment on what you think! Are you like me? Or hate my opinion? The comment box is free!! BOOM!! Oh gosh, something moved! So I have finally decided who this month's hottest fandom reward goes to, I asked 10 people on what they thought. It was 6-5. Drum roll please!! This month's

Hottest fandom is >>>>>>>> The Werewolves!!!!! *Gives hottest fandom trophy to a random wolve which bites my hand off* Well then! Comment on what you're going to do on Halloween!! And what you'll wear! Sorry if next month's hottest fandom is late, I'll be moving so... See you next month beautiful readers!! Hope you liked it, sorry if you didn't!! Bye! *The vampires and werewolves just ate me, told you they were going to eat me*

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