Undiscovered gems

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Undiscovered Gems


Management team: You've got two minutes until you're due on stage! You better be ready.

Me: Of course I'm ready! I was born ready!

Producers: One minute left! Remember! Think Halloween!

Me: Yeah yeah. Whatever. I got it, it's all about things which go BOO!


*audience clap*

Me: Helloooooooo ladies and gentlemen!!!! Boy do we have a show prepared for you! With two awards to give out, I better get busy, busy boo!

So without further ado I present my undiscovered gems award to....


Marked! By LanceRedanican!

This book is truly amazing! Really! And to prove my point I have a trailer! YAYYYY!

To celebrate the month of October we have....

It better be cookies...

*opens envelope*


*voice in background*: If you would like information on how to bake these cookies please see the article Recipes included within this magazine."

Me: *Dances around randomly*

Um.... Let's move on with the trailer...

For Marked...Yah....

*trailer plays*

A short story which screams awesomeness, this is what you have been waiting for, this story will leave you breathless. I'm afraid I cannot expand as if i were to give you the summary it would reveal the plot of the story. Just read it instead. All I will say is that letters and death are connected. Read it! Contains a major cliffhanger! But its amazing! Seriously.

Me: Wasn't that wonderful! Now for our second award which goes to.....

Take one away by Princessofdarkness!

*trailer plays*

Quickly Ella Manon and Lola are just normal girls. They live in a care home and once you turn seventeen you are moved into a flat, with a slim chance of being adopted, these sixteen year old girls have little hope. Until a large family of six young adults and barge into the girls life. Life couldn't be any greater for the girls until Liam, is taken into hospital and is diagnosed with a rare disease, leaving him for dead. As they mourn the loss of his life, the happiness disappears creating a family filled with despair. Will they ever be the same cheerful, happy girls they once were? Will they be able to move on? Find out in take one away...

*trailer ends*

THAT'S US! Hope you enjoyed another awesome set of undiscovered gems awards! And with that I bid you good day! To show your appreciation please do the usual, vote, comment or even fan this magazine! :D



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