How to survive

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How To Survive: A Fight With Your Friend

So, at the moment I'm in a fight with one of my friends. Which made me think of this idea. At some point, no matter how drama free you want your life to be, you will get in a fight with one of your friends. They may be close to you, or just an acquaintance, either way, it sucks. So, here's how I'd say you can survive it.

1. Think about what you're saying. How would you feel if someone said that to you? No matter how odd it may be to realize, people actually have feelings. And yeah, maybe they hurt yours, and you're dying to say a certain comeback, but would you rather remember yourself as the one who was absolutely horrible to your friend, or the one who just moved past it?

2. Whose fault is it really? The saying, "it takes two to tango" rings true.

3. No matter how badly you want to, don't gossip with it to your friends. That'll just cause more of this drama you hate.

4. Think. Do you really want this person to be your friend? Are they really important to you? And if the answer is no....then why are you wasting your time arguing with them? Just let it go! But if the answers yes, then again, why are you arguing with them. Just apologize. You should value your friendship more than your pride. Try telling them how much they mean to you, and how they're hurting your feelings, and you want this friendship to last, not be wrecked by a stupid argument. 5. It can only stay bad for so long. If this person is truly your friend, you two need to work it out. And if they aren't, don't waste your time. It's sad, but true.

6. Stick to your decision. If one day you want to be friends, then the next decide not to be, that is not a good friendship, even if you think it is.

Don't worry. Not all fights last forever. Sometimes you may lose a friend, but other times your friendship comes out even stronger. And now, if you have just recovered from a fight, maybe you and your friend(s) can decide on related Halloween're never too old! This could help break the ice and bring you back together. I mean, how can't you bond when there's candy involved?

If this wasn't helpful at allllll, or you need more How To's, or have some suggestions, pm me.


Happy Halloween! >:)

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